Hi - I know this is an older thread but hoping someone is still watching it. I’m looking to do something similar where I have one trigger with multiple conditions and each condition would run a separate script if true. I have Google Calendar integrated and when an item named “Holiday Lights Red White Blue” is in todays calendar it triggers an input boolean on and then an automation fires later in the day based on the boolean being on.
For example, I currently have this working automation:
As you can see there will only ever be one true condition and the others will be false at a time. I should also note that I already have all the calendar integrations setup and booleans for Christmas, Halloween and so on I just cant get the automation to trigger the correct script based on which boolean is switched on.
Im still very new to Home Assistant (maybe a month since first install) and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Thank you again for your input on this everything seems to be working as it should!
I should note that the input_select options are case sensitive. I couldn’t get the automatons to work correctly until I changed the input options to all lower case which matches the script names called in the service template section and also the none option called in the value template section.