One value do not show friendly_name in history


I have a history include section to have some entities in history. One of these do not show the friendly name:

But it have one:

Whats wrong here and what should I do?

Thanks, Steffen

You probably didn’t originally have one. Then you added it and the database hasn’t updated it. Or, same situtation and you haven’t refreshed your cache.

First, try to refresh the cache in your browser. CTRL+F5.

If that doesn’t work…

You need to shut down home assistant.
Delete your database file (home-assistant_v2.db). This will clear all your history.
Then start home assistant.

OK thank you. I must delete my MS SQL Server DB to let recreate the DB now with friendly name.


You dont have to. You can wait, it will purge eventually.

That’s good to know, I’ve always been impatient