One2Track integration

I haven’t found any similar requests yet, but please point me in the right direction of this has been handled before.

One2Track makes GPS watches to help keep track of your kids. They also have phone capabilities, so the kids can call their parents and vice versa. For those who would like to know more:

I’ve added device trackers for my wife and myself based on our phones, but the kids don’t have phones yet, but do wear those watches. Would be great if there was a (community) integration to help with automation and scripts going off based on presence.

Admittedly I have zero idea of the vendor’s policy towards 3rd party integrations, but since I can’t find any information I thought I’d check here with the community before I contact them directly.

One possibility is to look into Traccar and see if the data coming out of your devices has a compatible protocol. Traccar is supported by HA. It also will work with many protocols.

Otherwise contact the company and request they look into the ‘works with home assistant’ program were they could share their data with customers

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I received a reply from the One2Track team that they won’t be exposing their systems to external API’s due to the sensitive nature of the data stored there. (GPS information about kids)

I guess understandable from a data privacy perspective, but too bad in terms of Home Assistant integration potential!

From GDPR perspective that seems to be a bit of a weak answer tbh, so it’s probably a commercial/financial choice.

It’s your data, and as far as they process it, it should be done so in a respectable/secure manner. Allowing integration is fine as long as you give consent and expectations/responsibilities are clear, given that on their end it’s securely done.

Not sure if they’re a bit cloud native or not (currently they don’t seem to be hosting on a well known cloud platform but rather on-prem/colo), but that would make things a lot simpler and less scary. But perhaps some pubsub exposure where HA is able to subscribe to would be a simple-ish solution.

That said, it takes a fair amount of effort, so let’s hope they’ll see the potential in this :slight_smile:

Received a watch for our oldest this week, and noticed there is a web-based dashboard as well ( ). Seems like the data could be scraped fairly easily from there, I might give it a try in the coming week.

I got a similar response on my question, but I agree with @Rizzlarzz:

I’m very interested in those watches for my kids, but not being able to pull (some of) the data into Home Assistant is the reason I haven’t bought one yet.

Made any progress? Need any help? Device tracker and battery status would be the data I’m looking for.

Some progress, but can’t seem to get the login to work. But I’ve got something working based on copying an existing cookie, which seem to be valid for quite a long period of time (at least a few days, possibly much longer).

Probably missing something stupid for the login, but just getting a cookie and the csrf of the login page doesn’t seem to be enough, I run into a “422 Unprocessable Entity” or an error that the login is incorrect.

I’ll try to share the code later, but maybe someone want to look into the login proces.

Oh wow, I didn’t know there was a web dashboard! Would be indeed very nice of we can scrape that.

I received the one for my daughter today, so I will definitely also be looking into this too.

There are two headers that you have to send along: a Cookie header and an Accept header. The value for the first should be taken from another session obviously, and the value of the second should be ‘application/json’. That’s enough to get it going. I have both my children’s locations on my dashboard now. :slight_smile:

Would you mind sharing your code?