Onewire Integration

Have HA on a VM throug vritualbox on a brix J1900 runnnig ubuntu, all latest versions.
The one wire DS18B20s are connected to a HA7NET.
OWServer service is run on the base hardware with the network bridged.

The problem I have is the HA7NET goes into reboot regularly. Turning off the automatic polling of sensors solves that.
To get the latest temps I reload the integration.
So, is it possible for me to run a script to reload the integration (i can’t see how), or can we have control over the time interval between temp requests?

Considering the cost of this device I would be contacting their support and asking for a fix for that.

Thanks for the link.
Yes i can see your point about the cost of the device, but a couple of notes.
There are a few threads on various forums that indicate EDS’s support for the HA7NET is non existent, so probably a dead end on that.
In addition the HA7NET is supposedly capable of supporting up to 100 sensors, so there has to be a number of requests limit over a given time period intentionally in the design to a certain degree?

Reloading the script seems a bit of a fudge, is there a simpler way that you know of to request the value of a sensor right now? I’m used to macros and sending commands and getting responses and basing stuff of that.

Sure, if the integration is working use the update entity service.

Great thanks.
I’ll give that a go.

Didnt work unfortunately.


Wow! HA7NET is over $200, yikes! I too use DS18B20’s. Have an ESP8266 (an ESP32 will work too) with Tasmota. Communicates to HA via MQTT.

Could also use → GitHub - flyte/mqtt-io: Expose GPIO modules (Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone, PCF8754, PiFace2 etc.) and digital sensors (LM75 etc.) to an MQTT server for remote control and monitoring.. I use this with a Pi Zero to read door, motion, doorbell button, and control relays, one for my doorbell chime, other for garage door. One of these ( and a ribbon cable make connections a breeze.

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thanks for the reply.
I’ve never used a raspberry pi, but have used a an UNO.
I’m sure there’s a multitude of ways to achieve similar tasks.

So I have a half solution, which involves manually updating the entities for every 5 minute time interval as triggers. (put an asterix in the hour and create 12 triggers)
The update entities action is done for each one with a 15 second gap.
However, it seems that the 10th sensor i’ve added causes the original issue.
So either there’s an issue with the HA7NET, firmware of hardware. Or it’s an issue with how the OneWire library talks to hardware.
It’s a good enough solution for the time being and a nice learning curve.
TIme to learn wth MQTT is.
Thanks for the help.

Can you show what you mean by this?

Because this single trigger triggers every five minutes:

  platform: time_pattern
  minutes: "\5"

No need for 12 of them.

I’m tying to do everything in the frontend, so not sure where to edit that.
I did initially aim for that, but after reading several thread and posts it was easier to do it the way i have.
Also I can turn it off simply.

Sorry, I was a bit vague in that reply.

In the user interface - automations

  • trigger - time pattern

There doesn’t appear to be a way to do as you suggested.

EDIT: ok yes I see now