ONFIV with HeimVison Camera


maybe someone can help me…
I have a Heimvison Camera and i want to add the onvif stream to home assistant.
But it simply doesent work

The 3 IP i have from ISpy : rtsp:// (Streaming URL 1) | rtsp:// (Streaming URL 2)

To add the Camera i used the Onvif Integration
it cant find the Camera automatic…

when I enter
-Name: Camera_jgu
-Port: 80
-Username and Passwort I leave empty

than it succesfully added the Camera and i have a Preview of the stream, but when i open it, it doesn’t show a video stream and the “substream” dosent work at all

when I enter
-Name: Camera_jgu
-Port: 554
-Username and Passwort i leave empty

then an Unknown error eccurred

If I use MotionEye, in Homeassistant, the Error Message comes “An error occourred. Refreshing is recommended”
But if I use MotionEye running on a Unraid Server it work’s

I would be very grateful if someone could help me

One Problem solved it self
Idk how but after few days the video stream is loading in home assistant.

But motion eye still doesn’t work.

It seems to work now, I just randomly tried it again.