Hardware: PI3+, Aeotec Z-Wave controller.
Software: Hass.IO via etcher on an SD card.
I’ve installed HA few weeks ago, spent a bit of time discovering / configuring / adding basic automations and then left on a trip. Few days later my automations stopped and on return I’ve discovered that my SD card (data partition) was corrupt. After some attempts to fix the issue I’ve threw in the towel and rebuilt my SD card. That was yesterday.
Had some issues with my ZWave devices and tried to restart HA via UI and ssh. Then figured I’d reboot the PI via “hassio host reboot”. After that PI isn’t coming back online. I can see it making a connection to my router every few minutes and then disappearing. I’ve connected the PI to a display and observed the boot sequence output. It gets to the login prompt and then starts the output of docker related process, which just keeps cycling. I’ve taken few pictures of that in case someone can make a sense of it.
Appreciate any help, as I don’t think a rebooting a computer should result in a failure of this sort - would be hard to keep relying on an automation in this case.
P.S. Apparently new users are not good enough to add more than one picture to a post… So there is only one I can add.