Onkyo AV receiver un-official integration

Hey All

Did someone here by chance try the following non-official integration?
Also, do I need to do something to the existing manual integration? as the docs say…

I have been trying to work with this great card but unfortunately, with no success :sob:

When I connected my Onkyo to the network, the DLNA integration popped-up immediately and I approved it. Should it interfere to on the things above?


Interesting… “onkyo custom” addon says that zone 2, 3… are disabled by default in official integration… i have TX-NR3030 and only this in my configuration.yaml (no custom add-ons installed):

  - platform: onkyo
    host: 192.168.x.y # (enter your player's IP)
    name: ONKYO Receiver
    max_volume: 100
    receiver_max_volume: 80
    sources: # (define sources you wish to use)
      network: "NET"
      dvd: "BluRay"
      video2: "IP TV"
      fm: "FM"
      dvr: "Radio"
      cd: "Philips TV"

but i do have zone 2 and zone 3 media players in my HA, so it seems that it’s not true anymore… ?

Regarding custom card: i tried it and it works like a charm. It’s just you have to manually configure it - click "show code editor. Above all add line “entity: media_player.onkyo…” ) Visual editor is pretty scarse.

But, HA 2024.10 (sorry, i mean 2024.11) will bring Onkyo to be set up from UI, perhaps you just wait until thursday to see what this brings (or install HA2024.11 beta).

And i hope i don’t have to point out that setting a fixed IP to the Onkyo IS A MUST!!!
(in fact, pretty much all devices, connected to HA are best to have fixed IP’s)

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! (I fell like I’m Jay-Z hahaha)
Will wait sure thing!
I tried a bit to “mess around” with the ampli-card but I’m sucks without visual editor :sweat_smile:

try with this in your card:

type: custom:ampli-panel-card
av_receiver_family: ""
entity: media_player.onkyo_receiver
brand: ONKYO
info: TX-NR3030
zone2: media_player.onkyo_receiver_zone_2
name_zona2: Zone 2
name: Zone 1

just replace my “media_player.onkyo_receiver” with your entity and change name (brand).

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thanks again!
question - when I connected my Onkyo I saw automatically that HA found it as DLNA service\server than it gave it an entity. but I recently removed it because I told to do so a while back. so now I have only the “Onkyo” manual integration but with no entity. also my Onkyo is disconnected form the network (i know, i made some changes and I will put it back). so, i want to know should I use the DLNA or not?

DLNA is automatically added, yes. It was added for my Philips TV also. I don’t use it, i just “leave it there”, i f you remove it it will want to be re-added after ha restart (ok, you can ignore it). I think that media player entity is created, but if i remember correctly it was unreliable, so i rather use manuall created one.

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Thanks once again!
One last thing (for now haha) - there should be an issue working with the “ampli-card” and the Onkyo official integration together???

No, since card works with onkyo’s entities. So when you change anything inside ampli-card it will reflect elsewhere (and vice versa).

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wowowowow - it is finally working!!! I installed the official integration of Onkyo + updated the “ampli-card” with the new details (with yours it didn’t work, and I also removed it and re-created it) and it works now! I managed to control my AVR from my iPhone!

:partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

seems that implementation of my TX-NR828 fell out somewhen :frowning:
any possibilities to get it back?

Did you try to use the official integration?? it is brand-new, came out last month!

yes. the official integration shows that the devices are not provided by the integration anymore. altough it finds the receiver, zone 2 and zone 3.

and in the logs I see:

2024-12-27 01:05:51.325 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.onkyo.receiver] Receiver (re)connected: TX-NR828 (
2024-12-27 01:05:51.325 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyeiscp.protocol] > main.power=query
2024-12-27 01:05:51.326 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyeiscp.protocol] > zone2.power=query
2024-12-27 01:05:51.327 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyeiscp.protocol] > zone3.power=query
2024-12-27 01:05:51.327 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyeiscp.protocol] > zone4.power=query
2024-12-27 01:05:51.366 INFO (MainThread) [pyeiscp.connection] TX-NR828 discovered at ('192.168.1.xxx', 60128)
2024-12-27 01:05:51.432 INFO (MainThread) [pyeiscp.connection] TX-NR828 discovered at ('192.168.1.xxx', 60128)

but the entities are disabled (red circle with exclamation mark)

Long shot, but check if a new device was created by the integration (something like TX-NR828_2) with its own entities.

Thank you. Well, meanwhile a new device appeared but it does not appear within the onkyo integration but under fritzbox devices. strange.