Onkyo Integration should generate unique ID for each entity added

Originally filed as a bug against the Onkyo integration… and asked to file here… https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/75221


Amongst other issues related to unique IDs, the UI can not modify entities without unique IDs. This means that one can not hide/rename/assign locations/etc on an entity by entity basis.

Practical examples:

  • Add Onkyo AVR with 2 zones. 3 entities are created. , Zone 2, Zone 3 with NO way to hide or even remove the bogus zone 3.
  • Above example again. In the case of zones 2 (and to some small extent zone 1), it is EXTREMELY useful to place the zones I the appropriate Areas. This is impossible without unique IDs.
  • Finally friendly naming of entities would bee MUCH easier if entities have unique IDs rather then current workaround of manually customizing each of the Onkyo’s mediaplayer entities as I did in YAML per: [Customizing entities - Home Assistant]

Integration causing the issue


Link to integration documentation

Additional information

I was a software engineer for 20+ years at a certain “fruit” company here in the Bay area and do possess some reasonable dev skills and would help if I could on this but unfortunately pretty new to HA and it’s related internal core concepts (terminology, architecture/design, and internals). If I can help or further clarification is needed, please let me know.

Thanks very much for raising this feature request, I had been meaning to for a while.

There is also a PR which will implement this feature, but it has been under review for a while. I’m not a dev myself, but if you could run your eyes over the PR it might help the review.

Ok, just for the record.
I just tried to add an unique_id in my configuration.yaml to the onkyo, and it is not supported. The referenced PRs are merged. So I think the feature/problem was never addressed.

Invalid config for ‘onkyo’ from integration ‘media_player’ at configuration.yaml, line 74: ‘unique_id’ is an invalid option for ‘media_player.onkyo’, check: unique_id

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I wonder if my reply here would raise any attention of the developers! I recently joined HA community and searched for unique_id for my Onkyo AVP, to end up with this forgotten FR :frowning:

This should now work in 2024.9 version.

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