Onkyo/Pioneer Volume via automation


I’m trying to figure out how to incrementally change the volume up/down via HA’s automation, but here’s the only option available that I can find:

I have tried numbers like .75,1, etc., but that doesn’t raise the volume enough. I don’t see a way to enter any numbers outside the (0-1) range.

Thank you

You can send non integer numbers via yaml, I have an automation that trigger off of a input number where I use {{ (((states.input_number.living_room_volume.state | float) / 100) + 0.82) | round(2) }} to set the volume. The input number ranges from - 82db to 0.

How would I incorporate this into an automation? I have pretty much used the GUI at this point for automation. If by chance you can please share your YAML, I will try to add my Pioneer entity and adjust your YAML. I’m basically looking to set it either at a lower volume or a higher volume (at certain volumes which I can play around with once I get this up and running.)

Below is my code (the top portion is just the trigger):

alias: TV volume up/down
description: ""
  - entity_id: input_boolean.tv_volume_up_down
    to: "on"
    trigger: state
conditions: []
  - action: media_player.volume_set
    metadata: {}
      volume_level: 1
      entity_id: media_player.sc_lx502
mode: single

The full automation looks like this.

alias: Living Room - Adjust volume (receiver)
  - entity_id: input_number.living_room_volume
    trigger: state
  - data_template:
      entity_id: media_player.receiver
      volume_level: >-
        {{ (((states.input_number.living_room_volume.state | float) / 100) +
        0.82) | round(2) }}
    action: media_player.volume_set

It looks like you want a hard coded volume, this is an example of that.

  - data:
      entity_id: media_player.receiver
      volume_level: 0.55
    action: media_player.volume_set

Ok, I went back and tried to manually raise the volume and even at 100, it’s barely turning up the volume (maybe 20% of the actual volume.) I didn’t realize this until I double-checked just now. I wonder if there is something I can put in the config yaml to allow it to go higher, as when I turn the knob manually on the receiver (or use the remote control) it goes way higher…

Check the maximum volume setting. I have mine set to 100%. Integrations - > Onkyo - > Configure

Yes, it’s at 100. I read a thread on here from 2017 and it seemed like people were having a similar issue with Pioneer. Apparently, there is (or was) a Onkyo.py file that can be modified to fix this, although I don’t even know if that’s applicable now. It has no problem controlling my unit, it just stops at a super low volume.

What is your volume resolution?

Where do I find this?

Should be able to reconfigure the integration and set it, set it to 200.

Where do I do this?

Settings - > integrations - > three dot menu

It won’t allow it.

This might be the resolution, but I am not sure and don’t know where this file is even located? I’m thinking something needs to be adjusted within a file or config yaml?

Looking for volume resolution, not max volume.

When I hit reconfigure, the only option is changing the IP address, which is already filled in.

You have to go through the config flow, it’s on the next page.

OMG, that worked! 2 days of ripping any remaining hair out, lol! I have to say, it wasn’t really clear, as it just shows the IP address and submit, figuring no reason to submit that. Appreciate it!