I have an Onkyo TX-NR5100 with a standard 5.1 speaker setup, and it has been working great for me, integrated via the HA Onkyo integration (and also, into Music Assistant).
I recently purchased speakers to connect to “Zone B” to run to my deck. This works fine when directly using the unit. On the remote, I hit the Quick Settings button, and there’s an setting for Zone B, with options something like “off” (which is the old 5.1), “A+B” (which is both sets), and B (which is just the new speakers).
Now, somehow, I want to use this “Zone B” in HA and MASS, even if just a toggle like above. I take it this must be different than “Zone 2” which I have found some info on, but “Zone B” does not appear to be a separate output but more an output selector. Tthe standard integration does not add “— Zone 2” entities. I have enabled debug logging for the Onkyo Integration but it shows the “Zone 2 timed out” message.
I also tried the Onkyo eISCP python library. I can do similar things as I can within HA…including timeout errors if I try anything “Zone 2”. I get “AssertionError” if I try anything with speaker a or speaker b.
There is a speaker-information command that seems to almost get me there, as it returns flags for which speakers are on. However, I cannot figure out what format to send.
root@python1:/# onkyo --host speaker-information=1111000—000
Error: “1111000—000” is not a valid argument for command “speaker-information” in zone “main”
Anybody know a way to automate when this “Zone B” is on or off, or even an “A”, “B” or “A+B” toggle?
I know it is the wrong model, but it should be from the same generation and it tells you something about the limitations, which might be the ones causing errors.
I have an Onkyo myself, but it is an older model without RJ45 interface, so it is controlled through an UART interface, but there the commands is equal to the remote, which makes it easier to understand.
I wish it did have those same features, but it does not. As stated, rather than a separate Zone “channel” these are more of an output selector: A, B, or A+B. It cannot play a separate source.
I also wish it had a button for this, then I could automate via IR. But it does not. It does have a specific Zone button on the receiver itself, which I may go the Switchbot method of automating…at this level, it’s a shame to have to do that, but it might be the only way.
Yes, you can do the pre-amp, but that’s not how I’ve set up Zone B. What I’m doing is using the High surround outputs as a Zone B speaker set. This is supported and documented in the manual. As I said, that is hooked up and working, but I am currently only able to use the settings menu in the UI to toggle (and have no way from HA, Music Assistant, etc).
There was a firmware update from March 2023 (I think) which I have applied, but it didn’t change anything.