OK, so I’m probably going mad, but bear with me… among many others already existing template sensors I added a few using state_attr, something I had none so far:
- name: "Estado termostato cozinha"
unique_id: "hvac_action_cozinha"
state: >
"{{ state_attr('climate.cozinha_termostato', 'hvac_action') }}"
- name: "Estado termostato sala AV"
unique_id: "hvac_action_sala_av"
state: >
"{{ state_attr('climate.sala_av_termostato', 'hvac_action') }}"
After the hvac_action_sala_av I have a few more, all following the same logic.
The problem I’m facing is that only the first sensor, the hvac_action_cozinha appears available on HASS, all others remain unknown. Why on earth???
I have copied all value strings and pasted them into developer tools, and they all return the correct hvac_action
values, so I’m sure the state_attr used are correct and with no typos.
And before anyone asks, yes, I’ve disabled all custom integrations and it did not help, it’s not integration related.
Any idea of what is going on?
Thanks in advance.
- Core 2024.12.5
- Supervisor 2024.12.0
- Operating System 14.1
- Frontend 20241127.8