I am trying to show only the time (in 24h format) of a DateTime Helper in a Glance widget. I currently have:
show_name: false
show_icon: true
show_state: true
type: glance
- entity: input_datetime.alarm
This gives me:
But now I only want to display the time (24h format), without the date. How do I achieve this?
I tried creating a template sensor (works, confirmed with Developer Tools):
- sensor:
- name: Alarm Time
state: >
{{ states('input_datetime.alarm').split(' ')[1][:-3] }}
unique_id: template_sensor.alarm_time
But I don’t know how to display a template sensor in the Glance card.
- entity: template_sensor.alarm_time
does not work.
Any hints how I can get this to work?