Only sometimes: Custom Element doesn't exist: mini-graph-card

Hello everyone,

I have one question regarding my UI. I use the mini-graph-card to show the gas price evolution. This seemed to work when I created it. Unfortunately from time to time the card is not shown. Instead there is an error message that the custom element doesn’t exist. But sometimes it is working and the graph is shown but no error message.
How could this happen?

type: conditional
  - entity: sensor.jet_haifa_allee_1_diesel
    state_not: unknown
  type: vertical-stack
    - type: horizontal-stack
        - type: custom:mini-graph-card
          name: DIESEL Entwicklung
          hours_to_show: 96
          group_by: date
          decimals: 3
            labels: true
          icon: mdi:gas-station
          animate: true
            - entity: sensor.jet_haifa_allee_1_diesel
              aggregate_func: max
              name: Max
              color: null
              fixed_value: false
              show_fill: false
            - entity: sensor.jet_haifa_allee_1_diesel
              aggregate_func: min
              name: Min
              color: blue
              fixed_value: false
              show_fill: false
            - entity: sensor.jet_haifa_allee_1_diesel
              aggregate_func: avg
              name: Avg
              color: green
              fixed_value: false
              show_fill: false
        - type: custom:mini-graph-card
          name: Heute
          hours_to_show: 14
          decimals: 3
            labels: true
          icon: mdi:gas-station
            - entity: sensor.jet_haifa_allee_1_diesel
              name: TOTAL
              color: black

Most of the time it is a browser issue. Try Ctrl-F5 next time and see if that fixes it.

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This seems to work for now. I will check the next days if this issue occurs again.

Unfortunately I had the same problem again. A Ctrl-F5 worked again, but I don’t want to do this every day :frowning:

It is a browser cache issue and not a HA issue directly, so you will have to look at the settings in your browser. If you search the forums on browser cache, you should find some helpful information.

It is a browser cache issue, that said I suspect HA is doing something atypical, as this issue happens constantly for HA and very rarely for any main stream web sites.