Onvif Imou Camera

I have configured an imou ranger2 camera via onvif and it works correctly.
During the configuration 2 entities have also been created (binary_sensor.videosource000_motion_alarm and binary_sensor.videosource000_global_scene_change). These 2 entities are always inactive and I can’t use them as triggers.

Did you use any strange ports or other magic to get ONVIF access? My attempts just fail with 400 Bad Request on the HTTP level.

The Dauha Config tool IS able to connect, but that is the only one :frowning:

you should use port 80 with onvif and this camera


is anyone able to use ptz on this camera?

I have set the camera with onvie, I can see the video properly but I’m not able to use ptz
I tested with onvif device manager tool and in that tool is working.