ONVIF still does not work

  1. ONVIF integration discovers WansView 625GA camera, but failed to add it with the following message:
    Could not configure unique ID for ONVIF device.
    This camera works fine as generic with the following configuration:
  - platform: generic
    name: Cam1
    username: admin
    password: !secret cam1_password
    authentication: digest
    still_image_url: http://Cam1_IP/mjpeg/snap.cgi?chn=1
    stream_source: rtsp://admin:cam1_password@Cam1_IP:80/live/ch1
    verify_ssl: false
  1. I can add manually ONVIF integration for the camera Wanscam K21. I see the mainstream and substream entities. But there is no any picture at all.
    This camera works fine as generic with the following configuration:
  - platform: generic
    name: Cam2
    still_image_url: http://Cam2_IP/cgi-bin/net_jpeg.cgi
    stream_source: rtsp://Cam2_IP:554/ch0_1.h264
    username: admin
    password: !secret cam_password
    verify_ssl: false

Both cameras work fine with ONVIF Device Manager and VLC player.
I would like to get these cameras working as ONVIF because I need the PTZ functionality.

Check this out: Onvif setup trouble

I have checked the thread “Onvif setup trouble” about “Could not configure unique ID for ONVIF device”.
The camera Wansview uses the port 80 for Onvif, web UI and RTSP together and it is very useful. RTSP is available on the port 554 too. Anyway, any non-standard RTSP port is not a reason to fail Onvif setup.
It seems Onvif integration is only a wrapper for generic/ffmpeg camera integration.
It could be very useful to be able to view/set/update RTSP and image URLs manually as a workaround for such troubles. Manually configured generic camera works just fine. But I need Onvif for PTZ.