Onvif's motion detection sensor does not work

Hey everyone.

I have some Tapo C200 ip cameras set up with the onvif integration.
Each camera creates a binary sensor called “MyMotionDetectorRule Cell Motion Detection”.

Unfortunately these binary sensors are either unavailable or constantly on (motion detected).

Same thing happens with the motion detection sensors created through the new Tapo camera component by @JurajNyiri.

This is 2 minutes after reboot:

Any ideas as to how to troubleshoot this?

Hey, try with 0.117.0 and integration 2.2.1.

You can try and follow tips in https://github.com/JurajNyiri/HomeAssistant-Tapo-Control#troubleshooting

Hey there, thanks!
Will try it and report back.

After a couple of days with the latest updates they seem to work ok! thanks!


J’ai des caméras Imou. Je les ai ajouté à Onvif sur Home assistant mais régulièrement, le sensor se bloque sur Detecté ou RAS.

Si je clique sur recharger l’intégration Onvif, Home assistant m’informe qu’il faut redémarrer Hassio par que l’intégration soit rechargé.

C’est vraiment dérangeant. Avez vous une solution?
