Onvis HS2 only produces long presses

:wave: I got an Onvis HS2 (5-Key Switch), and integrated it into HA through the HomeKit Device integration. So far, so good, and it does work, producing events upon button press.

However, the event_type is always "long_press", no matter how I press the button; I cannot get a short or double press whatsoever out of the thing. Though I found a few threads of people talking about the HS2, I didn’t find anyone talking about this, so I’m wondering if anyone knows whether this is some limitation of HA / Thread-based devices, or whether I am just doing something wrong?

The firmware on the device is 1.9.1, which appears to be the latest one.

I can’t comment on the device at all, but does the short press logic work in Apple Home? If it works there but not in the Homekit integration in Home Assistant, then it would be interesting to analyse it more in detail in HA, maybe by setting the logging level for the homekit integration to debug in configuration.yaml:

# see: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/logger/
  default: warning
    homeassistant.components.homekit_controller: debug

(You would then need to download the log file and view it locally, trying to identify what’s going on)

But ideally someone has more experience with that specific device.

It at least appears that the device in general works in HomeKit, plenty of people reporting so. I haven’t tried it in HomeKit first, but it took me a few tries to get it to pair with HA, so I’m not crazy about repairing it to HomeKit if I can help it. I can definitely give the debug logs a shot though, thanks for the pointer!