Ooma IP phone component request

I am new to this, only been using Hass.io for about 3 weeks. Was just wondering if anyone else would be interested in a component for the Ooma IP phone service / voicemail. The only voicemail integration I see is Asterisk.


Iā€™m interested in that!

Me too! Being able to detect caller id and message waiting would be very interesting!

Also interested. Any update on this topic?

Interested as well; Hoping to revive this in hopes of getting more exposure.

yes please !

Yes please!

Any word on this?

Interested to see if there is any progress on this - the service has worked well for the past four years for us.

Iā€™ve used their service for the past 10 years and would really love to see this integrated!

Especially now that theyā€™re trying to get into the home security business with all of their monitoring products.

Any idea how Ooma integrates with IFTTT? It looks like the Ooma API is only available to enterprise customers so not sure how itā€™s happening.

I attempted to setup an IFTTT - OOMA - Home Assistant integration today (after updating my Ooma account to ā€˜Proā€™), but couldnā€™t see any IFTTT "on any incoming callā€™ events triggered on IFTTT. I contacted Ooma chat support and was informed that ā€œIFTT integration and everything under APPS are under maintance as of now.ā€ (with no ETA).

Just disappointing


I think now, being the year of the voice and all, is the perfect time to bring home phone service into the smart home. I live in a high rise apartment and need home phone service as part of the building buzzer system. I have been using Ooma for a number of years since itā€™s super cheap and my partner and I can have separate phone numbers for individual buzzer codes. Those calls can then be forwarded to our cell phones (the building being ancient and not allowing us to just use our cell phone numbers is another story). I had an IFTTT integration with Ooma that worked for years like activating a light to turn to a specific colour when we have a voicemail or missed a call, as well as the Alexa integration for replaying those voicemails through any speaker in our place. Only a few weeks ago, Ooma announced they were shuttering their IFTTT integration meaning the only integration left is with Amazon Alexa which is extremely limited. Being able to push notifications when we have incoming calls or when calls are missed to smart displays and lights would be great. Better yet, being able to make calls from home assistant, using Ooma, so my smart home can call me, and update me on things happening at home when Iā€™m driving would be a game changer!

If this isnā€™t possible, does anyone know of any working home phone or voip services that work with home assistant?

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