Hey @dshokouhi , I have a question
This code:
- action: "URI"
title: "Open Twitter"
# Name of package for application you would like to open
uri: "app://com.twitter.android"
Can in only be used from within an action from the push notification?
Actually I want to open an android app when I for example start a script or automation. Is that possible?
If not possible, can it be launched for example silently without clicking any action, so just upon receiving a notification?
yes you can use command_activity
to be able to launch an app
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Aha, interesting, thnx , I’ll have a look
@dshokouhi , works perfect!!
Question, can i combine these 2 in one service? Or do i need to send 2 notifications ? Because the message is different ?
push message 1: opens an app in background
- service: notify.mobile_app_fabio_ha_client
message: command_activity
channel: com.basip.app
tag: android.intent.action.MAIN
push message 2: sends me a snapshot
- service: notify.mobile_app_fabio_ha_client
title: "Deurbel"
message: "Er staat iemand aan de deur!"
channel: Deurbel
clickAction: !secret camera_url # action when clicking main notification
- action: deur_open
title: "Open Deur!"
image: !secret snapshot_buiten_deurbel_webhook
priority: high
ttl: 0