Open Connectivity Foundation and Home Assistant Support

Hello Everyone.

I heard that OCF will affect IOT System

I think Home Asssitant will make a plan to integrate OCF.

If this foundation has a power to interoperate with their members, it can make a great stuff to make automation or something.

I think HA has thousand integration component more than any other platform or some organization.

someday, OCF interoperatable custom component will be appear as OCF is growing.

I want to share some ideas about the OCF and HA

thx everyone who has enthusiasm with Home Assistant.

Have a nice day.

Related: LG TV iOT Menu integration (OCF)

Copying my comment from there:

Here are OCF specs:

The list of partners is fairly big, led by LG, Electrolux, Haier, Samsung, Qualcomm

There also is an open-source Iotivity framework implementing OCF server, that includes Raspberry Pi Developer Kit: