Hey guys. I am new to Node Red and I am trying to see how I can make an automation in Node Red when I am entering my home zone, the garage door will star opening the door if the door is detected to be closed. I currently have this automation working in the home assistant automation page, but the problem I am having is that if the garage door is already opened and I am entering my home zone, the garage door will close even and I do not want it to do that. What I want is when I am arriving to the zone of my home, if the garage door is closed, to open the garage door. If the garage door is detected to be opened and I am entering my home zone, I do not want it to close. How can I make this automation in Node Red?
Here is how I have the working automation in home assistant but this closes the garage door if it’s already opened which I do not want:
alias: Open garage when arriving home
description: ''
- platform: zone
entity_id: person.marte_systems
zone: zone.home
event: enter
condition: []
- service: cover.open_cover
data: {}
entity_id: cover.garage_door
mode: single