Open-Meteo Solar Forecast

I have a small py code directly in HA to change a state let me check how restricted this is.

Heh, try to use any of the Python builtins like import :wink:

Edit: just to be clear, I’m referring to Python Scripts - Home Assistant

I think you can use it directly see example

if 'entity_id' not in data:
  logger.warning("===== entity_id is required if you want to set something.")
  data = data.copy()
  inputEntity = data.pop('entity_id')
  inputStateObject = hass.states.get(inputEntity)
  if inputStateObject:
    inputState = inputStateObject.state
    inputAttributesObject = inputStateObject.attributes.copy()
    inputState = 'unknown'
    inputAttributesObject = {}
  if 'state' in data:
    inputState = data.pop('state')
  logger.debug("===== new attrs: {}".format(data))

  hass.states.set(inputEntity, inputState, inputAttributesObject)

But not sure how to create new sensor :wink:

This is just really complicated, I’ll just add support via configuration.yaml. Multiple PV arrays is rare anyway and most users will know how to manually edit a configuration file

Yes with jinja maybe something like this

{% set watts1 = states.sensor.energy_production_d2.attributes['watts'] %}
{% set watts2 = states.sensor.energy_production_d2_2.attributes['watts'] %}
{% for date in watts1 %}
{{  date }}
{{ watts1[date] + watts2[date] }}
{% endfor %}

EDIT here we go:

  - name: "energy_production_today_all"
    state: >
      {{ (states('sensor.energy_production_today') | float(default=0) + states('sensor.energy_production_today_2') | float(default=0)) | round(2) }}
    unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
    device_class: energy
      watts: >
        {% set watts1 = states.sensor.energy_production_today.attributes['watts'] %}
        {% set watts2 = states.sensor.energy_production_today_2.attributes['watts'] %}
        {% set wattsNew = states.sensor.energy_production_today_2.attributes['watts'] %}
        {% for date in watts1 %}
        {% set wattsNew = (watts1[date] + watts2[date]) %}
        {% endfor %}
        {{ wattsNew }}
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not that rare I’d say…

Ok, but how can it be then that the issue occurs everyday in the afternoon and is gone the next day despite the public ip-address being changed every night?
Or in other words - how often am I supposed to change my ip-address just to avoid this error?

no idea I am afraid. That’s the answer I had received at the time. The problem went away for me after 1-2 days.

The log says

Dieser Fehler wurde von einer benutzerdefinierten Integration verursacht

Logger: custom_components.open_meteo_solar_forecast
Quelle: helpers/
Integration: Open-Meteo Solar Forecast (Dokumentation, Probleme)
Erstmals aufgetreten: 17:08:01 (758 Vorkommnisse)
Zuletzt protokolliert: 20:29:43

Unexpected error fetching open_meteo_solar_forecast data
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 312, in _async_refresh = await self._async_update_data()
  File "/config/custom_components/open_meteo_solar_forecast/", line 63, in _async_update_data
    return await self.forecast.estimate()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/open_meteo_solar_forecast/", line 155, in estimate
    data = await self._request(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/open_meteo_solar_forecast/", line 122, in _request
    raise OpenMeteoSolarForecastRatelimitError("Rate limit exceeded")
open_meteo_solar_forecast.exceptions.OpenMeteoSolarForecastRatelimitError: Rate limit exceeded

I’m not sure if it is interesting, but I self-host Open-Meteo and could probably make the access available to others but I’d rather put it behind Cloudflare or something before I do so. No promises if I follow through on this or not.

This is my template sensor to combine the energy production for two arrays.

- platform: template
      friendly_name: "Energy Production Today Sum"
      unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
      device_class: energy
      value_template: >-
        {% set sensor1 = states('sensor.energy_production_today_2') |float %}
        {% set sensor2 = states('sensor.energy_production_today_3') |float %}
        {% set total_watts = sensor1 + sensor2 %}
        {{ total_watts }}
        watts: >-
          {% set sensor1 = state_attr('sensor.energy_production_today_2', 'watts') %}
          {% set sensor2 = state_attr('sensor.energy_production_today_3', 'watts') %}
          {% set ns = namespace(output=[]) %}

          {% for time, value in sensor1.items() %}
            {% set sum_value = value + sensor2[time] %}
            {% set output_item = {time:sum_value} %}
            {% set ns.output = ns.output + [output_item] %}
          {% endfor %}

          {{ ns.output }}
        wh_period: >-
          {% set sensor1 = state_attr('sensor.energy_production_today_2', 'wh_period') %}
          {% set sensor2 = state_attr('sensor.energy_production_today_3', 'wh_period') %}
          {% set ns = namespace(output=[]) %}

          {% for time, value in sensor1.items() %}
            {% set sum_value = value + sensor2[time] %}
            {% set output_item = {time:sum_value} %}
            {% set ns.output = ns.output + [output_item] %}
          {% endfor %}

          {{ ns.output }}

I have 3 arrays on 2 inverters.

But is not the complete the same, correct? The array looks different

I have the same error.
I’m using 3 different config entry’s.

Where do you have this - in configuration.yaml?

But if you request every 30mins it should never get a problem at all:

Less than 10’000 API calls per day, 5’000 per hour and 600 per minute . You may only use the free API services for non-commercial purposes.

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But I am, the issue is simply that people are using CGNATed IPv4 :frowning:

Normal sensor
Bildschirmfoto 2024-06-10 um 22.32.58

Your sensor
Bildschirmfoto 2024-06-10 um 22.33.10

I put the sensor in configuration.yaml but I don’t see it upon a restart. It seems it isn’t created / made available

Not sure I understand? It takes all the data from both sensors and aggregates it