Open more-info dialog always big

There’s a feature where the more-info dialog expands when you click on the title. 90% of the time, I want the larger dialog, but I have to click every time.

Is there a way or extension to make the dialog always open in its expanded state? (Preferably system wide! not only in lovelace)

There’s a HACS card that makes the “More info” dialog a card in its own right - is that any use?

Unfortunately, not really … I do need it as a popup.

If you really need it…
Add this js file into “www/whatever”:

customElements.whenDefined('ha-more-info-dialog').then(UIElement => {
  const { css } = UIElement.prototype;
  const newStyle = css`
    @media (min-width: 600px) and (min-height: 501px) {
      ha-dialog {
        --mdc-dialog-min-width: 90vw !important;
        --mdc-dialog-max-width: 90vw !important;

Add into “configuration.yaml”:

    - /local/whatever/my_super_hack.js

This gives this:

But a result may be not always pleasant:

Note that using external js is risky.

isn’t this available in Kiosk mode, or maybe in custom-more-info?
might be an interesting option for either of those custom plugins