Open Samsung smartthings Find app

Hi :slight_smile:

I wanna create a button for opening smartthings app on Find page (view).
How can i find (or if somebody already did it) the view name/url?

This yaml code opens the app, but i want to change it to open the “find” section

service: notify.mobile_app_xxxxx
  message: command_activity
    tag: Find
    channel: alarm_stream
    importance: high
    priority: high
    ttl: 0
    intent_action: android.intent.action.MAIN

I think i need to change
" intent_action: android.intent.action.MAIN"
to …VIEW and use “intent_uri” field, but i failed to find the correct url for that.

Thank u :slight_smile:
Screenshot 2023-12-28 113025