I’m trying to make a automation for open my shutters when sunny. The sun while warm up my house in the winter. Below is the YAML config. I didn’t get it working. Any good ideas?
alias: Open Rolluik voor winter
description: ''
- type: temperature
platform: device
device_id: 6d22d83fb67d90a51b28ee079d515514
entity_id: sensor.tfa_ts34c_cresta_34_0e_temperature
domain: sensor
above: 14
hours: 0
minutes: 5
seconds: 0
- platform: state
entity_id: weather.huis
attribute: attribution
to: Sunny
for: '00:10:00'
- platform: state
entity_id: weather.huis
attribute: attribution
to: Partly cloudy
for: '00:10:00'
condition: []
- type: turn_on
device_id: 192499a819de90df6ba1431784738096
entity_id: switch.rolluik_voor_hk_4_3
domain: switch
mode: single
What info you want. The only trigger which is working is the temperature. The two weather triggers didn’t work.
So if the temparuture is above 14 degrees the shutter opens to warm up the house. A other automation does close them if it’s to cold outside. I think that it’s better to open them when the sun shines. It is more accurate in my believe. That’s why I start struggeling with it.
If I look in the weather menu I can see that it’s Partly cloudy or Sunny, but the trigger doesn’t respond. Is this by design perhaps?
The states of the weather component are not equal to what is displayed in the UI. Instead you need to use the values enumerated on the component’s documentation.
I have some sensor data, but extendend the list in the confugaration.yaml, but the do not apear in the sensor list under development. Also the name change isn’t picked up.