Open Thread Border Router in error since upgrading to 2023.4.2


Since upgrading from 2023.3 .x to 2023.4.2 I noticed the Open Thread Border Router device / service is in error.

Logs show:
2023-04-09 16:24:25.780 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Error setting up entry Open Thread Border Router for otbr

File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/otbr/”, line 41, in async_setup_entry

await update_issues(hass, otbrdata, dataset_tlvs)

File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/otbr/”, line 228, in update_issues

await _warn_on_channel_collision(hass, otbrdata, dataset_tlvs)

File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/otbr/”, line 143, in _warn_on_channel_collision

if (allowed_channel := await get_allowed_channel(hass, otbrdata.url)) is None:

File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/otbr/”, line 128, in get_allowed_channel

File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/otbr/”, line 109, in _get_zha_channel

I notice ZHA, I am NOT using ZHA or Zigbee… I have the SkyConnect just for Thread (no devices yet…).

I’m guessing a little bit here, but it could be that the OTBR integration is failing because it can not get a Thread Dataset from a Border Router. I have a similar setup as you do in that I am using Multiprotocol Add-On and I am not using ZHA (but ZHA has been discovered for use with Multiprotocol, just not being used), but I am using zigbee2mqtt, yet I’m not seeing this error. Since you have the SkyConnect for Thread, I presume you are using Multiprotocol Add-On. If you go to your Thread Integration and click on “CONFIGURE” do you see a Thread network called “Silicon Labs Multiprotocol”? If yes, click on the (i) for information and does it show an “Active dataset TLVs”? If it does, I’m not sure what the problem is.

This is what I have:

I removed the Open Thread Border Router integration to reinstall, see what happens…
When I reinstall it asks me for a URL, no idea what to put in there.


Hmmm…well, it seems a bit odd, but the Thread Integration you showed is missing a couple of other items:

OTBR URL: http://core-silabs-multiprotocol:8081
Active dataset TLVs: longstringofhexdigits

I have no idea why this isn’t being shown. The Channel and PANids are located in the longstringofhexdigits so this is very strange…but it could be the source of the problem as I think the OTBR Integration is trying to get the Active dataset TLVs. May want to check the Multiprotocol Add-On logs to see if there is a problem. Also check the AddOn config to make sure the OTBR is actually enabled. Otherwise my only recommendation is to remove/re-add the AddOn.

As for the Open Thread Border Router Integration needing a URL, from memory, this is auto-discovered if you’re using the Multiprotocol Add-on, so if I had to guess, if you restart the AddOn, The OTBR Integration will pickup the URL, otherwise it should be http://core-silabs-multiprotocol:8081

Adding the OTBR integration with the URL you provided gets me back to the point where we started.

Restarting the Multiprotocol addon does not help. Reinstall also does nothing except that I am now unable to add the OTBR integration with your URL as it now generates an ‘unknown error’.

The Multiprotocol addon has these lines in the log:
Default: mDNSPlatformSendUDP got error 99 (Cannot assign requested address) sending packet to ff02::fb on interface fe80::6476:xxxx:fe56:xxxx/vethxxxx301c/25

I wish I could help further, but I really don’t know what is wrong.

I get these a lot as well…

More erros in the multiprotocol addon:
WARNING in function ‘server_push_data_to_endpoint’ in file /usr/src/cpc-daemon/server_core/server/server.c at line #1645 : Unresponsive data socket on ep#12, closing
[12:18:06:112212] WARNING : In function ‘server_push_data_to_endpoint’ in file /usr/src/cpc-daemon/server_core/server/server.c at line #1645 : Unresponsive data socket on ep#12, closing
[12:18:06:112330] Info : Endpoint socket #12: Client disconnected. 1 connections

@wmaker thnx for trying

hmmm. so today I had to power down my server (and all VM’s offcourse).
When I booted it up I noticed not all my USB’s where passed trough to my HA VM (maybe I put them in another USB port?). I fixed this, but no change (even after VM reboot). I then unignored the SkyConnect Multi-PAN (was ignored because I’m not planning in using it), rebooted the VM, hoping it would show up but it did not.

I was able to add it manually and entering the URL you provided: http://core-silabs-multiprotocol:8081

When it happens again (this is the second time) I will retry this workaround, feels like a bug…

I am having a similar error.

Default: mDNSPlatformSendUDP got error 99 (Cannot assign requested address) sending packet to ff02::fb on interface fe80::6840:ccff:fe67:3601/veth44f5fd5/24

I recently have this error as well, no idea how to get rid of it.

Still an issue in 2024.2.1

    [15:06:01] INFO: The otbr-web is disabled.
    s6-rc: info: service mdns: starting
    s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
    s6-rc: info: service mdns successfully started
    [15:06:02] INFO: Starting mDNS Responder...
    s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
    s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
    s6-rc: info: service banner: starting
    Default: mDNSResponder (Engineering Build) (Jan 29 2024 09:45:59) starting
    s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
    s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
    s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
     Add-on: OpenThread Border Router
     OpenThread Border Router add-on
     Add-on version: 2.4.5
     You are running the latest version of this add-on.
     System: Home Assistant OS 11.5  (amd64 / qemux86-64)
     Home Assistant Core: 2024.2.1
     Home Assistant Supervisor: 2024.01.1
     Please, share the above information when looking for help
     or support in, e.g., GitHub, forums or the Discord chat.
    s6-rc: info: service banner successfully started
    s6-rc: info: service universal-silabs-flasher: starting
    [15:06:03] INFO: Checking /dev/ttyUSB0 identifying SkyConnect v1.0 from Nabu Casa.
    [15:06:03] INFO: Starting universal-silabs-flasher with /dev/ttyUSB0
    2024-02-10 15:06:09.211 homeassistant universal_silabs_flasher.flash INFO Extracted GBL metadata: NabuCasaMetadata(metadata_version=1, sdk_version='4.4.0', ezsp_version=None, ot_rcp_version='SL-OPENTHREAD/' (, cpc_version=None, fw_type=<FirmwareImageType.OT_RCP: 'ot-rcp'>, baudrate=460800)
    2024-02-10 15:06:09.211 homeassistant universal_silabs_flasher.flasher INFO Probing ApplicationType.GECKO_BOOTLOADER at 115200 baud
    2024-02-10 15:06:11.221 homeassistant universal_silabs_flasher.flasher INFO Probing ApplicationType.SPINEL at 460800 baud
    2024-02-10 15:06:12.335 homeassistant universal_silabs_flasher.flasher INFO Detected ApplicationType.SPINEL, version 'SL-OPENTHREAD/' ( at 460800 baudrate (bootloader baudrate None)
    2024-02-10 15:06:12.335 homeassistant universal_silabs_flasher.flash INFO Firmware version 'SL-OPENTHREAD/' ( is flashed, not re-installing
    s6-rc: info: service universal-silabs-flasher successfully started
    s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent: starting
    [15:06:12] INFO: Setup OTBR firewall...
    [15:06:12] INFO: Starting otbr-agent...
    otbr-agent[184]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Running 0.3.0-13d583e-dirty
    otbr-agent[184]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Thread version: 1.3.0
    otbr-agent[184]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Thread interface: wpan0
    otbr-agent[184]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Radio URL: spinel+hdlc+uart:///dev/ttyUSB0?uart-baudrate=460800&uart-flow-control
    otbr-agent[184]: [NOTE]-AGENT---: Radio URL: trel://enp0s3
    otbr-agent[184]: [NOTE]-ILS-----: Infra link selected: enp0s3
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:00:00.156 [N] RoutingManager: BR ULA prefix: fd8b:ab60:8091::/48 (loaded)
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:00:00.156 [N] RoutingManager: Local on-link prefix: fd89:ff97:cbc7:edcb::/64
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:00:00.195 [N] Mle-----------: Role disabled -> detached
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:00:00.213 [N] Platform------: [netif] Changing interface state to up.
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:00:00.217 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process request#2: No such process
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:00:00.217 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fe80:0:0:0:a833:cc65:9767:e9e2 failed (InvalidArgs)
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:00:00.217 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:00:00.217 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fd99:7117:5ece:0:ef9f:882d:f1dd:4e6c failed (InvalidArgs)
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:00:00.217 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:00:00.217 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fd99:7117:5ece:0:0:ff:fe00:c800 failed (InvalidArgs)
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:00:00.217 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:00:00.217 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process request#6: No such process
    s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent successfully started
    s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent-rest-discovery: starting
    s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent-configure: starting
    s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent-configure successfully started
    [15:06:13] INFO: Successfully sent discovery information to Home Assistant.
    s6-rc: info: service otbr-agent-rest-discovery successfully started
    s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
    s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:00:12.152 [N] Mle-----------: RLOC16 c800 -> fffe
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:00:12.516 [N] Mle-----------: Attach attempt 1, AnyPartition reattaching with Active Dataset
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:00:13.380 [N] Mle-----------: RLOC16 fffe -> 3c08
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:00:13.383 [N] Mle-----------: Role detached -> child
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:00:13.419 [W] Platform------: [netif] Successfully added an external route ::/0 in kernel
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:00:13.441 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fd99:7117:5ece:0:0:ff:fe00:3c08 failed (InvalidArgs)
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:00:13.441 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:00:13.442 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fd24:fe91:5276:1:f73e:5922:d0e3:7722 failed (InvalidArgs)
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:00:13.442 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
    Default: mDNSPlatformSendUDP got error 99 (Cannot assign requested address) sending packet to ff02::fb on interface fe80::4cea:a6ff:fe71:60b3/veth9ba4194/21
    Default: mDNSPlatformSendUDP got error 99 (Cannot assign requested address) sending packet to ff02::fb on interface fe80::4cea:a6ff:fe71:60b3/veth9ba4194/21
    Default: mDNSPlatformSendUDP got error 99 (Cannot assign requested address) sending packet to ff02::fb on interface fe80::4cea:a6ff:fe71:60b3/veth9ba4194/21
    Default: mDNSPlatformSendUDP got error 99 (Cannot assign requested address) sending packet to ff02::fb on interface fe80::4cea:a6ff:fe71:60b3/veth9ba4194/21
    Default: mDNSPlatformSendUDP got error 99 (Cannot assign requested address) sending packet to ff02::fb on interface fe80::4cea:a6ff:fe71:60b3/veth9ba4194/21
    Default: mDNSPlatformSendUDP got error 99 (Cannot assign requested address) sending packet to ff02::fb on interface fe80::4cea:a6ff:fe71:60b3/veth9ba4194/21
    Default: mDNSPlatformSendUDP got error 99 (Cannot assign requested address) sending packet to ff02::fb on interface fe80::4cea:a6ff:fe71:60b3/veth9ba4194/21
    Default: mDNSPlatformSendUDP got error 99 (Cannot assign requested address) sending packet to ff02::fb on interface fe80::4cea:a6ff:fe71:60b3/veth9ba4194/21
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:01:51.446 [N] Mle-----------: RLOC16 3c08 -> c800
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:01:51.449 [N] Mle-----------: Role child -> router
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:01:51.449 [N] Mle-----------: Partition ID 0x4ca6b4b2
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:01:51.476 [W] Platform------: [netif] ADD [U] fd99:7117:5ece:0:0:ff:fe00:c800 failed (InvalidArgs)
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:01:51.476 [W] Platform------: [netif] Failed to process event, error:InvalidArgs
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:01:51.551 [W] Mle-----------: Failed to process Link Request: Already
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:01:51.614 [W] Mle-----------: Failed to process Link Request: Already
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:01:51.626 [W] Mle-----------: Failed to process Link Request: Already
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:01:51.631 [W] Mle-----------: Failed to process Link Request: Already
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:01:51.640 [W] Mle-----------: Failed to process Link Request: Already
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:01:51.770 [W] Mle-----------: Failed to process Data Request: Security
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:01:51.796 [W] Mle-----------: Failed to process Data Request: Security
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:01:51.836 [W] Mle-----------: Failed to process Data Request: Security
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:01:52.553 [N] MeshForwarder-: Dropping rx frag frame, error:Drop, len:70, src:a6a7ca22c68da071, dst:0xffff, tag:52661, offset:128, dglen:198, sec:yes
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:01:54.430 [N] MeshForwarder-: Dropping (reassembly queue) IPv6 UDP msg, len:198, chksum:9d1b, ecn:no, sec:yes, error:ReassemblyTimeout, prio:net, rss:-55.0, radio:15.4
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:01:54.430 [N] MeshForwarder-:     src:[fe80:0:0:0:5cd6:6c64:4d6e:2786]:19788
    otbr-agent[184]: 00:01:54.430 [N] MeshForwarder-:     dst:[ff02:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:19788

The SkyConnect shows as part of my Google Thread network, but these logs don’t instill much confidence that it’s working as expected.

My Thread is still not working, think it has to do with IPv6.
I made some progress when I changed the firmware from multiprotocol to Thread only (don’t use / have Zigbee). Now the Open Thread Border Router stays running all the time.