Open Zwave install

I’m having a bit of trouble getting Open Zwave installed.

Following the instructions from I get stuck at:
git clone
Error: -bash: git: command not found

I’m running on the Hassbian Image

Can anyone point me in the right direction? This must be how my grandparents felt when the VCR flashed 12:00, 12:00, 12:00

Did you confirm that you’ve got the lastest git, etc?

sudo apt-get install cython3 libudev-dev python3-sphinx python3-setuptools git

Also - make sure you’re not logged in as root. That won’t work.

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Actually a piece of black tape over the flashing 12:00 usually cured the problem. Couple of seconds max.

sudo apt-get install cython3 libudev-dev python3-sphinx python3-setuptools git
sudo pip3 install --upgrade cython==0.24.1

Both of the following have been run several times and are up to date.

This is where I’ll probably get lost and need some hand holding, I believe I’m logged in as the pi user. I’ve never set a root password

I seem to have have everything installed and I get no errors but I can’t seem to get anything to work.

Would accessing the OZWCP be done via the same command when installed via Hassbian?

cd /srv/hass/src/open-zwave-control-panel/

Is there a complete step by step guide to getting things up and running on Hassbian?

The AIO page has a step-by-step that you may be able to glean info from:

But the basic idea is to stop HASS, log in to your pi and run OZCW, open a web browser. So I guess you just need to find the path to open-zwave-control-panel which you can do with:
find / -name "open-zwave-control-panel"

But to back up for a bit - when you say “can’t seem to get anything to work”, have you been able to load HASS’ UI in a browser yet? I’d start there.

Sorry, I should have explained myself better,

What I meant by “I can’t get anything to work” was in regards to ZWAVE. HASS is running fine in all other respects.

I followed the Zwave install instructions from the All In One installer page but I didn’t have much luck as I assume some of the directories differ from the Hassbian image, which is what I’m running, I also followed the BRUH video… I noticed this in the comments:

Will these steps also work if I have HASSbian image? It seems I cannot find the open-zwave-control-panel to configure.

And the response from Ben was:

Kind of. The commands are slightly different. Plus, with Hassbian you’ll need to install OpenZWave first as outlined on the Hassbian info page. It’s a bit of a pain, but the instructions are good. I’m still running the AiO method, though. If you’d rather, you can hop over that install method to avoid the hassle. Cheers!

Following the link in the Hassbian page takes me to the regular Zwave install page. i can’t find any other instructions specific to the Hassbian image.

I came across this while doing some forum searching but I didn’t have much luck with is solving my issue:

i’m able to install openzwave properly, but getting it to talk to HA with the right permissions is where i’m having problems. I’ve set up openzwave twice before using both the all-in-one installer and from scratch. here’s what i have so far:

sudo apt-get install cython3 libudev-dev python3-sphinx python3-setuptools git

enter homeassistant user and update virtualenv to the right version of cython. NOTE: in the hassbian image pip3 points to the system pip3 and not to the virtualenv pip, so if you use pip3 the build steps won’t work
sudo su -s /bin/bash homeassistant
source /srv/homeassistant/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade cython

create the directory
cd /srv
sudo mkdir python-openzwave
sudo chown pi:pi python-openzwave
grab the project from git
git clone GitHub - OpenZWave/python-openzwave: Python wrapper for openzwave

from here you should be able to follow the steps in the getting started z-wave page to get openzwave built.

When I run this I get a lot of permission denials on directories it’s trying to check but I can’t see where it finds it,.

It’ll be in that list. Near the end.

Also have a look towards the bottom of the page for the AIO installer. It has directions for running the OZWCP. Since you installed it differently, the CP app will be in a slightly different location. Likely /srv/homeasistant/src/open-zwave-control-panel/ rather than /srv/hass/src/open-zwave-control-panel/
Before running the control panel you need to stop homeassistant.

I’ve ran it several times and each time every line in output is permission denied:

find: /proc/703/map_files': Permission denied find: /proc/703/fdinfo’: Permission denied
find: /proc/703/ns': Permission denied find: /proc/709/task/709/fd’: Permission denied
find: /proc/709/task/709/fdinfo': Permission denied find: /proc/709/task/709/ns’: Permission denied
find: /proc/709/fd': Permission denied find: /proc/709/map_files’: Permission denied
find: /proc/709/fdinfo': Permission denied find: /proc/709/ns’: Permission denied
find: /proc/720/task/720/fd': Permission denied find: /proc/720/task/720/fdinfo’: Permission denied
find: /proc/720/task/720/ns': Permission denied find: /proc/720/fd’: Permission denied
find: /proc/720/map_files': Permission denied find: /proc/720/fdinfo’: Permission denied
find: /proc/720/ns': Permission denied find: /proc/734/task/734/fd’: Permission denied
find: /proc/734/task/734/fdinfo': Permission denied find: /proc/734/task/734/ns’: Permission denied
find: /proc/734/fd': Permission denied find: /proc/734/map_files’: Permission denied
find: /proc/734/fdinfo': Permission denied find: /proc/734/ns’: Permission denied
find: /proc/742/task/742/fd': Permission denied find: /proc/742/task/742/fdinfo’: Permission denied
find: /proc/742/task/742/ns': Permission denied find: /proc/742/fd’: Permission denied
find: /proc/742/map_files': Permission denied find: /proc/742/fdinfo’: Permission denied
find: /proc/742/ns': Permission denied find: /proc/784/task/784/fd’: Permission denied
find: /proc/784/task/784/fdinfo': Permission denied find: /proc/784/task/784/ns’: Permission denied
find: /proc/784/fd': Permission denied find: /proc/784/map_files’: Permission denied
find: /proc/784/fdinfo': Permission denied find: /proc/784/ns’: Permission denied
find: /proc/790/task/790/fd': Permission denied find: /proc/790/task/790/fdinfo’: Permission denied
find: /proc/790/task/790/ns': Permission denied find: /proc/790/fd’: Permission denied
find: /proc/790/map_files': Permission denied find: /proc/790/fdinfo’: Permission denied
find: /proc/790/ns': Permission denied find: /root’: Permission denied
find: `/etc/ssl/private’: Permission denied
pi@raspberrypi:~ $

@SeveredDime those permission denied errors are normal. If you installed the control panel as per the installation instructions try this from the command prompt.

ls -l /srv/homeasistant/src/open-zwave-control-panel/ 


 ls -l /srv/homeasistant/src/

and paste the results.

ls -l /srv/homeasistant/src/open-zwave-control-panel/

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ls -l /srv/homeasistant/src/open-zwave-control-panel/
ls: cannot access /srv/homeasistant/src/open-zwave-control-panel/: No such file or directory

ls -l /srv/homeasistant/src/

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ls -l /srv/homeasistant/src/
ls: cannot access /srv/homeasistant/src/: No such file or directory

I can see through the SAMBA share that a open zwave directory does exist.

@SeveredDime I don’t know where you built and installed things and not sure anyone can tell you how to fix this. I would suggest you start over again and use the all in one installer. Start with the Raspberry Pi Jessie image from their website. Then just run the AOI script. It will install everything and put everything in a known location.

Thanks for your efforts, it’s appreciated.

Good luck and do update your progress here.

Not great,

Decided to go ahead and swap over to the AIO Install. Downloaded the latest versions Raspian and Raspian Light from the Pi website. Neither image will allow me to SSH in, tried both versions on two different MSD Cards.

I put Hassbian back on one of the cards and I can SSH in without issues. I’m about done dealing with if for tonight.

Ir was possible to enable ssh without a monitor. It looks like the latest update disabled ssh by default. Requires monitor and keyboard. Serial boot is possible but requires a cable and some configuration messing to make it work.

I got it sorted out yesterday morning I’m up and running on the AIO install, Zwave inclued.

I kept Hassbian on another SD card so I can mess with it in my spare time to see if I can get it working.

Thanks for your help.