OpenEPaper Link and HA

Has anyone been able to use a local image using the OPenEPaperlink integration? There seems to be only URL remote ones possible.

I see nobody really responded but there are a lot of people using the heck out of these. I am just starting and digging for stuff. Reddit has some community and there is a Discord server… but yes, this integration is being heavily used and is kinda awesome.

not sure if this is what you mean. I put my images to show on tags to my Home Assistant in folder media

service: open_epaper_link.drawcustom
- open_epaper_link.000006F663D8B7DE
background: white
- type: dlimg
url: /media/stock1.png
x: 0
“y”: 0
xsize: 522
ysize: 152
rotate: 0
dither: true