OpenGarage - Compiling firmware from GitHub in Arduino environment

The path with mistake is below the steps.

Steps to compile. Version 1.0.6 (guessed that from the bin directory)

  1. Download the zip file from Github
  2. Move the OpenGarage folder to the Arduino libraries folder.
    So now your tree will be …\Arduino\libraries\OpenGarage\ …
  3. Copy the Updater.h file in the Modifications folder to
    C: |Users | (name of your computer user) | AppData | Local | Arduino15 | packages | esp8266 | hardware | esp8266 | 2.2.2 | cores
  4. Now you can close the zip file.
  5. Move ogMainArduino folder (has ogMainArduino.ino in it) that is in the …\Arduino\libraries\OpenGarage\examples to Arduino directory.
  6. Delete the empty examples folder from …\Arduino\libraries\OpenGarage
  7. Open the ogMainArduino.ino that is in the …\Arduino\ogMainArduino directory.
  8. Verify/Compile

(Let me if there are any mistakes)

Path with Mistakes

–Let me set the stage for my questions …

Maybe in the end, I can come back and make this more how-to.
First thanks to @swbradshaw for his work Integrating OpenGarage (OG) into HA.
In my searching I did find a thread on HA asking why he could not compile but it was months old and did not go far, so I thought best not to resurrect it.
I have started a thread on the OG forum, but have not received much info back. Here is a link to that thread.
Here is the link to the source
I am assuming if you have built a sketch that will blink a LED on a ESP8266 and that you have successfully blinked a LED through BLYNK, that you have all the necessary environment to compile OG.
Question #1 Does that sound right?

So I downloaded the zip from Github and just threw under the Arduino directory. Open IDE and navigated to the OG .ino file, complied and got errors. The first one was fixed when I moved the OpenGarage (.cpp & .h) files into a folder under libraries. Now I am getting an error that has to do with Updater.h. I found that in the Modifications directory with a readme that instructs me to put it into the “esp8266/x.x.x/cores/esp826” folder. Have not found that folder yet, so that is where I am now.

C:\Users\Bradmin\Documents\Arduino\libraries\OpenGarage\main.cpp: In function ‘void on_sta_upload_fin()’:
C:\Users\Bradmin\Documents\Arduino\libraries\OpenGarage\main.cpp:533:12: error: ‘class UpdaterClass’ has no member named ‘reset’

Assuming the answer to the first is question is my environment is right…
Question #2 Where do the directories/files in the zip need to be in the Arduino environment?
The answer to #2 is C: |Users | (name of your computer user) | AppData | Local | Arduino15 | packages | esp8266 | hardware | esp8266 | 2.2.2 | cores
After a quick verify/compile without errors, then the answer to #1 is yes.

I ran into this same issue, you need to do the last step in the Setting up Dev Environment section where you copy the .h file.

Look in the Modifications folder in the repo and copy the Updater.h file into the folder. For me, it was %LOCALAPPDATA%\Arduino15\packages\esp8266\hardware\esp8266\2.3.0\cores