Is it possible to use two different fonts in the same label? Or do I have to create two labels next to each other for the different fonts?
There is only one text_font
for the label text. You can use a different value_font
for an additional floating text or a different label for another font. However you can’t mix fonts within the same text.
I am having the exact same problem as @JeffreyRS. I am on the openHASP v 0.7. Home assistant is receiving the MQTT message. Any help would be appreciated.
MQTT: hasp/plate/state/p2b122
payload: {“event”:“up”,“val”:0,“text”:“Low”}
code in the openhasp.yaml file
- obj: "p2b122"
- service: fan.set_percentage
percentage: >
{% if text == "Off" %}
{% elif text == 'Low' %}
{% elif text == 'Mid' %}
{% elif text == 'High' %}
{% endif -%}
It turned out my YAML was correct. I thought all I had to do for the changes to take effect was to restart home assistant from the developer tools menu. It turned out I also needed to go into settings and reload the openhasp device in the openhasp integration. That or a full restart of home assistant, which I realized when I did the home assistant OS update.
I am trying to display input_select that I have on HomeAssistant side on OpenHasp but with limited success. Could you point me to the right direction?
name: 'Select Speakers:'
initial: Everywhere
icon: mdi:speaker-wireless
sorry that I have to rise the issue again after a year. Iam using the Display now for a year and it was never completly perfect but okay. But with Firmware 0.7.0-rc11 it got even worse.
The mentioned settings idle1
and idle2
to 0
are still set but it dont seem to fix it.
I have no idea what the actual issue is. Should I look with Telnet if there is more information?
“wifi”: {
“ssid”: “SSID”,
“pass”: “"
“mqtt”: {
“host”: “”,
“user”: “MQTT”,
“pass”: "",
“topic”: {
“node”: “hasp/%hostname%/%topic%”,
“group”: “hasp/plates/%topic%”,
“broadcast”: “hasp/broadcast/%topic%”,
“hass”: “homeassistant/status”
“port”: 1883,
“name”: “smartmirror”
“telnet”: {
“enable”: 1,
“port”: 23
“mdns”: {
“enable”: 1
“http”: {
“enable”: true,
“port”: 80,
“user”: “”,
“pass”: ""
“gpio”: {
“config”: [
“debug”: {
“ansi”: 0,
“baud”: 115200,
“tele”: 300,
“host”: “”,
“port”: 514,
“proto”: 0,
“log”: 0
“gui”: {
“idle1”: 0,
“idle2”: 0,
“bckl”: 2,
“bcklinv”: 0,
“rotate”: 0,
“cursor”: 0,
“invert”: 0,
“calibration”: [
“hasp”: {
“startpage”: 1,
“startdim”: 30,
“theme”: 3,
“color1”: “#ffffff”,
“color2”: “#ff9962”,
“font”: “”,
“pages”: “/pages.jsonl”
“wg”: {
“vpnip”: “”,
“privkey”: "*****”,
“host”: “”,
“port”: 51820,
“pubkey”: “”
Some MQTT Log
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [22516/32044 29][43692/44808 3][35] QUE p1b8.text => nein
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [22516/32336 30][43692/44808 3][36] QUE p1b15.text => 2024-03-20
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [22516/32624 30][43692/44808 3][37] QUE p1b14.text => 22:10
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [22516/32940 31][43692/44808 3][38] QUE p1b16.text => Es regnet in den nächsten 30min.
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [23540/33332 29][43692/44808 3][39] QUE jsonl => {“page”:0,“id”:99,“obj”:“obj”,“x”:0,“y”:0,“w”:800,“h”:480,“radius”:0,“hidden”:0,“bg_grad_dir”:0,“bg_color”:“black”}
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [23540/33620 29][43692/44808 3][40] QUE p1b4.text => 17.2°C
<131>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [23540/33940 30][43692/44808 3]Not connected ??? backlight => {“state”:“on”,“brightness”:94}
<134>1 - smartmirror MSGR - - [23540/34524 31][43692/44808 3]backlight={“state”: “on”, “brightness”: 94}
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [23540/34840 32][43692/44808 3][41] QUE => backlight {“state”: “on”, “brightness”: 94}
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [23540/35128 32][43692/44808 3][42] QUE p1b2.text => 12.7°C
<134>1 - smartmirror MQTT PUB - - [22516/32636 31][43692/44808 3]antiburn => {“state”:“off”}
<134>1 - smartmirror MQTT PUB - - [22516/32912 31][43692/44808 3]idle => off
<134>1 - smartmirror MQTT PUB - - [22516/33184 32][43692/44808 3]page => 1
<133>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [25588/36136 29][43692/44808 3]Connected to broker �� as clientID smartmirror_8e6f84
<132>1 - smartmirror MSGR - - [25588/36512 29][43692/44808 3]File not found: L:/mqtt_on.cmd
<133>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [25588/36780 30][43692/44808 3]Started
<134>1 - smartmirror MQTT PUB - - [25588/35360 27][43692/44808 3]antiburn => {“state”:“off”}
<134>1 - smartmirror MQTT PUB - - [25588/35636 28][43692/44808 3]idle => off
<134>1 - smartmirror MQTT PUB - - [25588/35908 28][43692/44808 3]page => 1
<133>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [28660/39984 28][43692/44808 3]Connected to broker ,�� as clientID smartmirror_8e6f84
<132>1 - smartmirror MSGR - - [28660/40344 28][43692/44808 3]File not found: L:/mqtt_on.cmd
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [42996/54980 21][43692/44808 3]Disconnected
<131>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [42996/55256 22][43692/44808 3]Transport error
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [28660/53632 46][43692/44808 3][0] QUE p1b14.text => 22:09
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [28660/51236 44][43692/44808 3][0] QUE jsonl => {“page”:0,“id”:99,“obj”:“obj”,“x”:0,“y”:0,“w”:800,“h”:480,“radius”:0,“hidden”:0,“bg_grad_dir”:0,“bg_color”:“black”}
<134>1 - smartmirror MQTT PUB - - [28660/51544 44][43692/44808 3]backlight => {“state”:“off”,“brightness”:94}
<133>1 - smartmirror HASP - - [28660/53408 46][43692/44808 3]First touch Enabled
<134>1 - smartmirror MSGR - - [28660/53092 46][43692/44808 3]backlight={“state”: “off”, “brightness”: 94}
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [28660/53408 46][43692/44808 3][1] QUE => backlight {“state”: “off”, “brightness”: 94}
<132>1 - smartmirror HTTP - - [28660/50400 43][43692/44808 3]Sending page with 634 static and 3256 dynamic bytes
<132>1 - smartmirror HTTP - - [28660/50752 43][43692/44808 3]pin 37
<132>1 - smartmirror HTTP - - [28660/50216 42][43692/44808 3]pin 36
<132>1 - smartmirror HTTP - - [28660/50484 43][43692/44808 3]pin 35
<132>1 - smartmirror HTTP - - [28660/49680 42][43692/44808 3]pin 34
<132>1 - smartmirror HTTP - - [28660/49948 42][43692/44808 3]pin 33
<132>1 - smartmirror HTTP - - [28660/50216 42][43692/44808 3]pin 32
<132>1 - smartmirror HTTP - - [28660/50484 43][43692/44808 3]pin 31
<132>1 - smartmirror HTTP - - [28660/50752 43][43692/44808 3]pin 30
<132>1 - smartmirror HTTP - - [28660/50216 42][43692/44808 3]pin 29
<132>1 - smartmirror HTTP - - [28660/50484 43][43692/44808 3]pin 28
<132>1 - smartmirror HTTP - - [28660/50216 42][43692/44808 3]pin 27
<132>1 - smartmirror HTTP - - [28660/50216 42][43692/44808 3]pin 26
<132>1 - smartmirror HTTP - - [28660/50484 43][43692/44808 3]pin 25
<132>1 - smartmirror HTTP - - [28660/50484 43][43692/44808 3]pin 24
<132>1 - smartmirror HTTP - - [28660/49896 42][43692/44808 3]pin 23
<132>1 - smartmirror HTTP - - [28660/50164 42][43692/44808 3]pin 22
<134>1 - smartmirror HTTP - - [28660/50520 43][43692/44808 3]Sending 204 /favicon.ico to client connected from:
<134>1 - smartmirror HTTP - - [25588/39188 34][43692/44808 3]Sending 200 /static/script.js to client connected from:
<134>1 - smartmirror HTTP - - [28660/47520 39][43692/44808 3]Sending 200 /edit.htm to client connected from:
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [28660/54148 47][43692/44808 3][0] QUE p1b14.text => 22:08
<134>1 - smartmirror HTTP - - [28660/44780 35][43692/44808 3]Sending 200 /static/en.json to client connected from:
<134>1 - smartmirror HTTP - - [27636/40992 32][43692/44808 3]Sending 200 /static/petite-vue.hasp.js to client connected from:
<134>1 - smartmirror HTTP - - [28660/41144 30][43692/44808 3]Sending 200 /static/main.js to client connected from:
<134>1 - smartmirror HTTP - - [24564/43376 43][43692/44808 3]Sending 200 /static/style.css to client connected from:
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [28660/54496 47][44480/44812 1][0] QUE p1b14.text => 22:07
<134>1 - smartmirror HTTP - - [28660/48680 41][44480/44812 1]Sending 200 /static/logo.svg to client connected from:
<134>1 - smartmirror MQTT PUB - - [20468/32760 37][44480/44812 1]discovery => {“node”:“smartmirror”,“mdl”:“Sunton 1-8048S070C”,“mf”:“openHASP”,“hwid”:“3485188e6f84”,“pages”:12,“sw”:“0.7.0-rc11”,“node_t”:“hasp/smartmirror/”,“uri”:“”,“input”:{“motion”:[19]},“power”:,“light”:,“dim”:}
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [21492/35108 38][44480/44812 1][0] QUE p0b99.hidden => 1
<134>1 - smartmirror HTTP - - [21492/33812 36][44480/44812 1]Sending 200 /static/vars.css to client connected from:
<134>1 - smartmirror MQTT PUB - - [16372/26236 37][44480/44884 1]statusupdate => {“node”:“smartmirror”,“idle”:“off”,“version”:“0.7.0-rc11”,“uptime”:264536,“ssid”:“FRITZ!Box 7530 DF”,“rssi”:-63,“ip”:“”,“mac”:“34:85:18:8E:6F:84”,“wg”:“off”,“heapFree”:26236,“heapFrag”:37,“core”:“4.4.6”,“canUpdate”:“false”,“page”:1,“numPages”:12,“tftDriver”:“Other”,“tftWidth”:800,“tftHeight”:480}
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [16372/26456 38][44480/44880 1][0] QUE p1b45.src => L:/z-32-cloudy.png
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [16372/26880 39][44480/44880 1][2] QUE p1b43.text => 22. Fr.
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [16372/27180 39][44480/44884 1][3] QUE p1b42.src => L:/z-32-cloudy.png
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [16372/26572 38][44480/44884 1][15] QUE p1b15.text => 2024-03-20
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [16372/26784 38][44480/44884 1][16] QUE p1b14.text => 22:06
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [16372/27028 39][44480/44884 1][17] QUE p1b16.text => Es regnet in den nächsten 30min.
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [16372/27316 40][44480/44884 1][18] QUE p1b4.text => 17.2°C
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [17396/27604 36][44480/44884 1][19] QUE p1b2.text => 12.7°C
<134>1 - smartmirror MQTT PUB - - [17396/27876 37][44480/44884 1]page => 1
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [19444/29752 34][44480/44884 1][20] QUE page => 1
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [19444/30052 35][44480/44884 1][21] QUE p1b45.src => L:/z-32-cloudy.png
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [19444/30344 35][44480/44884 1][22] QUE p1b44.text => 11.3°C
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [20468/30636 33][44480/44884 1][23] QUE p1b43.text => 22. Fr.
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [20468/30936 33][44480/44852 1][24] QUE p1b42.src => L:/z-32-cloudy.png
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [20468/31228 34][44480/44852 1][25] QUE p1b41.text => 11.7°C
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [21492/31520 31][44480/44852 1][26] QUE p1b40.text => 21. Do.
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [21492/31820 32][44480/44836 1][27] QUE p1b39.src => L:/z-32-rainy.png
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [21492/32112 33][44480/44836 1][28] QUE p1b38.text => 11.6°C
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [21492/32404 33][44480/44836 1][29] QUE p1b37.text => 20. Mi.
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [22516/32704 31][44480/44812 1][30] QUE p1b33.src => L:/z-128-rainy.png
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [22516/32992 31][44480/44812 1][31] QUE p1b32.text => Rainy
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [22516/33284 32][44480/44812 1][32] QUE p1b34.text => 11.6°C
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [23540/33600 29][43692/44808 3][33] QUE p1b20.text => Grüne Kiste ist nächste Woche.
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [23540/33916 30][43692/44808 3][34] QUE p1b18.text => Gelber Sack ist nächste Woche.
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [23540/34204 31][43692/44808 3][35] QUE p1b8.text => nein
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [23540/34496 31][43692/44808 3][36] QUE p1b15.text => 2024-03-20
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [23540/34784 32][43692/44808 3][37] QUE p1b14.text => 22:06
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [23540/35112 32][43692/44808 3][38] QUE p1b16.text => Es regnet in den nächsten 30min.
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [23540/35504 33][43692/44808 3][38] QUE jsonl => {“page”:0,“id”:99,“obj”:“obj”,“x”:0,“y”:0,“w”:800,“h”:480,“radius”:0,“hidden”:0,“bg_grad_dir”:0,“bg_color”:“black”}
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [23540/35680 34][43692/44808 3][39] QUE p1b4.text => 17.2°C
<134>1 - smartmirror MQTT PUB - - [23540/35988 34][43692/44808 3]backlight => {“state”:“on”,“brightness”:94}
<133>1 - smartmirror HASP - - [24564/35992 31][43692/44808 3]First touch Disabled
<134>1 - smartmirror MSGR - - [24564/36296 32][43692/44808 3]backlight={“state”: “on”, “brightness”: 94}
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [24564/36548 32][43692/44808 3][2] QUE => backlight {“state”: “on”, “brightness”: 94}
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [24564/36836 33][43692/44808 3][3] QUE p1b2.text => 12.7°C
<134>1 - smartmirror MQTT PUB - - [23540/34080 30][43692/44808 3]antiburn => {“state”:“off”}
<134>1 - smartmirror MQTT PUB - - [23540/34356 31][43692/44808 3]idle => off
<134>1 - smartmirror MQTT PUB - - [23540/34628 32][43692/44808 3]page => 1
<133>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [24564/38708 36][43692/44808 3]Connected to broker �? as clientID smartmirror_8e6f84
<132>1 - smartmirror MSGR - - [24564/39088 37][43692/44808 3]File not found: L:/mqtt_on.cmd
<133>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [24564/39356 37][43692/44808 3]Started
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [38900/54408 28][43692/44808 3][0] QUE p1b14.text => 22:06
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [38900/54408 28][44480/44812 1][0] QUE p1b14.text => 22:05
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [38900/51960 25][43692/44808 3][0] QUE jsonl => {“page”:0,“id”:99,“obj”:“obj”,“x”:0,“y”:0,“w”:800,“h”:480,“radius”:0,“hidden”:0,“bg_grad_dir”:0,“bg_color”:“black”}
<134>1 - smartmirror MQTT PUB - - [38900/52268 25][43692/44808 3]backlight => {“state”:“off”,“brightness”:94}
<133>1 - smartmirror HASP - - [38900/54104 28][43692/44808 3]First touch Enabled
<134>1 - smartmirror MSGR - - [38900/53884 27][43692/44808 3]backlight={“state”: “off”, “brightness”: 94}
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [38900/54200 28][43692/44808 3][1] QUE => backlight {“state”: “off”, “brightness”: 94}
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [38900/54408 28][44480/44812 1][0] QUE p1b14.text => 22:04
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/45384 34][44480/44884 1][0] QUE p0b99.hidden => 1
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/45972 35][44480/44884 1][2] QUE p1b44.text => 11.3°C
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/46260 35][44480/44884 1][3] QUE p1b43.text => 22. Fr.
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/46560 36][44480/44884 1][4] QUE p1b42.src => L:/z-32-cloudy.png
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/47136 37][44480/44884 1][6] QUE p1b40.text => 21. Do.
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/47724 37][44480/44880 1][8] QUE p1b38.text => 11.6°C
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/48600 38][44480/44884 1][11] QUE p1b32.text => Rainy
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/47304 37][44480/44884 1][12] QUE p1b34.text => 11.6°C
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/43880 32][44480/44884 1][20] QUE p1b2.text => 12.7°C
<134>1 - smartmirror MQTT PUB - - [29684/44152 32][44480/44884 1]page => 1
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/46260 35][44480/44884 1][21] QUE page => 1
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/46560 36][44480/44884 1][22] QUE p1b45.src => L:/z-32-cloudy.png
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/46852 36][44480/44884 1][22] QUE p1b44.text => 11.3°C
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/47080 36][44480/44884 1][23] QUE p1b43.text => 22. Fr.
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/47380 37][44480/44856 1][24] QUE p1b42.src => L:/z-32-cloudy.png
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/46148 35][44480/44856 1][25] QUE p1b41.text => 11.7°C
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/46440 36][44480/44856 1][26] QUE p1b40.text => 21. Do.
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/46740 36][44480/44832 1][27] QUE p1b39.src => L:/z-32-rainy.png
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/43980 32][44480/44832 1][28] QUE p1b38.text => 11.6°C
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/44272 32][44480/44832 1][29] QUE p1b37.text => 20. Mi.
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/44572 33][44480/44812 1][30] QUE p1b33.src => L:/z-128-rainy.png
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/44860 33][44480/44812 1][31] QUE p1b32.text => Rainy
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/45152 34][44480/44812 1][32] QUE p1b34.text => 11.6°C
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/45468 34][44480/44812 1][33] QUE p1b20.text => Grüne Kiste ist nächste Woche.
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/45784 35][44480/44812 1][34] QUE p1b18.text => Gelber Sack ist nächste Woche.
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/46072 35][44480/44812 1][35] QUE p1b8.text => nein
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/46364 35][44480/44812 1][36] QUE p1b15.text => 2024-03-20
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/46652 36][44480/44812 1][37] QUE p1b14.text => 22:02
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/46968 36][44480/44812 1][38] QUE p1b16.text => Es regnet in den nächsten 30min.
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/47360 37][44480/44812 1][39] QUE jsonl => {“page”:0,“id”:99,“obj”:“obj”,“x”:0,“y”:0,“w”:800,“h”:480,“radius”:0,“hidden”:0,“bg_grad_dir”:0,“bg_color”:“black”}
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/47648 37][44480/44812 1][40] QUE p1b4.text => 17.2°C
<134>1 - smartmirror MQTT PUB - - [29684/47956 38][44480/44812 1]backlight => {“state”:“on”,“brightness”:94}
<133>1 - smartmirror HASP - - [29684/50096 40][44480/44812 1]First touch Disabled
<134>1 - smartmirror MSGR - - [29684/50400 41][44480/44812 1]backlight={“state”: “on”, “brightness”: 94}
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/50716 41][44480/44812 1][41] QUE => backlight {“state”: “on”, “brightness”: 94}
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/51004 41][44480/44812 1][42] QUE p1b2.text => 12.7°C
<133>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/47448 37][44480/44812 1]Started
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/43500 31][44480/44812 1][0] QUE jsonl => {“page”:0,“id”:99,“obj”:“obj”,“x”:0,“y”:0,“w”:800,“h”:480,“radius”:0,“hidden”:0,“bg_grad_dir”:0,“bg_color”:“black”}
<134>1 - smartmirror MQTT PUB - - [29684/43808 32][44480/44812 1]backlight => {“state”:“off”,“brightness”:94}
<133>1 - smartmirror HASP - - [30708/45380 32][44480/44812 1]First touch Enabled
<134>1 - smartmirror MSGR - - [30708/45684 32][44480/44812 1]backlight={“state”: “off”, “brightness”: 94}
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [30708/46000 33][44480/44812 1][1] QUE => backlight {“state”: “off”, “brightness”: 94}
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [30708/39840 22][44480/44884 1][0] QUE p1b45.src => L:/z-32-cloudy.png
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [30708/40128 23][44480/44884 1][1] QUE p1b44.text => 11.3°C
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [30708/40416 24][44480/44884 1][2] QUE p1b43.text => 22. Fr.
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [30708/40716 24][44480/44884 1][3] QUE p1b42.src => L:/z-32-cloudy.png
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [30708/41004 25][44480/44884 1][4] QUE p1b41.text => 11.7°C
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [30708/41292 25][44480/44884 1][5] QUE p1b40.text => 21. Do.
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [30708/41592 26][44480/44884 1][6] QUE p1b39.src => L:/z-32-rainy.png
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [30708/42168 27][44480/44884 1][8] QUE p1b37.text => 20. Mi.
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [30708/42756 28][44480/44884 1][10] QUE p1b32.text => Rainy
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [30708/44260 30][44480/44884 1][15] QUE p1b15.text => 2024-03-20
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [30708/44548 31][44480/44884 1][16] QUE p1b14.text => 22:02
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [30708/45156 31][44480/44884 1][18] QUE p1b4.text => 17.2°C
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/45152 34][44480/44884 1][16] QUE page => 1
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/39252 24][44480/44880 1][17] QUE p1b45.src => L:/z-32-cloudy.png
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/39596 25][44480/44880 1][17] QUE p1b44.text => 11.3°C
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/39888 25][44480/44876 1][18] QUE p1b43.text => 22. Fr.
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/40188 26][44480/44856 1][18] QUE p1b42.src => L:/z-32-cloudy.png
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/40480 26][44480/44856 1][19] QUE p1b41.text => 11.7°C
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/40772 27][44480/44856 1][19] QUE p1b40.text => 21. Do.
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/41020 27][44480/44836 1][20] QUE p1b39.src => L:/z-32-rainy.png
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/41312 28][44480/44836 1][20] QUE p1b38.text => 11.6°C
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/41656 28][44480/44836 1][21] QUE p1b37.text => 20. Mi.
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/41956 29][44480/44812 1][21] QUE p1b33.src => L:/z-128-rainy.png
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/42244 29][44480/44812 1][22] QUE p1b32.text => Rainy
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/42536 30][44480/44812 1][23] QUE p1b34.text => 11.6°C
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/42916 30][44480/44812 1][23] QUE p1b20.text => Grüne Kiste ist nächste Woche.
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/43116 31][44480/44812 1][24] QUE p1b18.text => Gelber Sack ist nächste Woche.
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/43404 31][44480/44812 1][24] QUE p1b8.text => nein
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/43760 32][44480/44812 1][25] QUE p1b15.text => 2024-03-20
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/44048 32][44480/44812 1][26] QUE p1b14.text => 22:00
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/42732 30][44480/44812 1][26] QUE p1b16.text => Es regnet in den nächsten 30min.
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/43020 30][44480/44812 1][27] QUE p0b99.hidden => 1
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [29684/43312 31][44480/44812 1][28] QUE p1b4.text => 17.2°C
<134>1 - smartmirror MQTT PUB - - [29684/44372 33][44480/44812 1]backlight => {“state”:“on”,“brightness”:94}
<134>1 - smartmirror MSGR - - [30708/43396 29][44480/44812 1]backlight={“state”: “on”, “brightness”: 94}
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [30708/43648 29][44480/44812 1][21] QUE => backlight {“state”: “on”, “brightness”: 94}
<134>1 - smartmirror MQTT PUB - - [30708/43956 30][44480/44812 1]backlight => {“state”:“on”,“brightness”:94}
<134>1 - smartmirror MSGR - - [32756/44824 26][44480/44812 1]backlight={“state”: “on”, “brightness”: 94}
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [32756/45096 27][44480/44812 1][16] QUE => backlight {“state”: “on”, “brightness”: 94}
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [32756/45384 27][44480/44812 1][16] QUE p1b2.text => 12.7°C
<134>1 - smartmirror MQTT PUB - - [29684/43108 31][44480/44812 1]discovery => {“node”:“smartmirror”,“mdl”:“Sunton 1-8048S070C”,“mf”:“openHASP”,“hwid”:“3485188e6f84”,“pages”:12,“sw”:“0.7.0-rc11”,“node_t”:“hasp/smartmirror/”,“uri”:“”,“input”:{“motion”:[19]},“power”:,“light”:,“dim”:}
<134>1 - smartmirror MQTT PUB - - [29684/42084 29][44480/44812 1]sensors => {“time”:“1970-01-04T02:24:06”,“uptimeSec”:264246,“uptime”:“3T01:24:06”}
<134>1 - smartmirror MQTT PUB - - [29684/42268 29][44480/44812 1]idle => off
<133>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [38900/50632 23][44480/44812 1]Started
<132>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [38900/50400 22][44480/44812 1]Disconnected
<131>1 - smartmirror MQTT - - [38900/50408 22][44480/44812 1]Transport error
<134>1 - smartmirror MQTT PUB - - [38900/49924 22][44480/44812 1]discovery => {“node”:“smartmirror”,“mdl”:“Sunton 1-8048S070C”,“mf”:“openHASP”,“hwid”:“3485188e6f84”,“pages”:12,“sw”:“0.7.0-rc11”,“node_t”:“hasp/smartmirror/”,“uri”:“”,“input”:{“motion”:[19]},“power”:,“light”:,“dim”:}
Thank you in advance for help.
Hi there, would anyone know if there is a way to install openhasp on a pyportal titano? or via a python script?
Hi there, would anyone know wth a pyportal titano is?
pyportal titano
Yes, Google finds it, but my point was to @tome88 . Don’t ask questions about hardware without a link or explanation.
Yep ok understand. To the question though (and my limited knowledge) pyportals look to run on python, so would this just mean it couldn’t work, as it seems openhasp uses json?
Openhasp is it’s own firmware. There is a comprehensive list of supported hardware on the openhasp website.
The Adafruit page says that it uses the ATSAMD51J20 chip. I can’t see any reference to that chip in the openhasp source code on GitHub. I can’t see the pyportal in the list of supported devices.
Thanks @nickrout, yeah did see that and could see Pyportal on there, did assume it was a dead end from that. But I’ve been looking elsewhere just now and came across this:
I might give this a go
openHASP does not support the ATSAMD51J20 microcontroller. There are a few dozens of ESP32 devices that can run openHASP to choose from. If your really wanted to port the source code to a new MCU, I guess it could eventually work… the question is if it’s worth the time and effort, since most devices only cost a coupla bucks nowadays.
There is no python code in openHASP, but people have used python to control the plate.
Independent of the discussion above, I planned to mention my project to drive openHASP from Python here. I wrote on openHASP github before:
A few months ago, I started writing Home Assistant automations in pyscript instead of yaml and prefer that a lot…
After I discovered openHASP, I also started experimenting driving openHASP devices from pyscript. I made a library to facilitate writing compact plate designs. What started as an experiment grew out to a project that might be valuable to others too I now believe… The past week I have compiled some basic documentation, made a 2 demo apps and made the repository public.
Hi all,
sorry for going slightly off topic since this might be a network related issue instead of openHasp related…
Since a few days my file editor is not working anymore. takes a few minuted to load and gets stuck at this point… openhasp display works perfectly fine besides the file editor. I’m pretty sure that it’s network related since the file editor worked perfectly fine when i connected it to an other router… anybody got a clue what settings might cause this ? many thanks for any advise (already did a factory reset on the router mr200 archer)
Hard to say, but could be a number of things. Maybe try to clear the browser cache and/or press shift-F5. Check the brower events with F12 to see if any urls/javascript is blocked or fails to load.
Keeping an eye on my BambuLab 3d printer.
The red arc in the clock indicates the start and end time of the print. It is built using the pyscript library to control openHASP I am working on and I added it as an example, see GitHub - FredericG-BE/OpenHasp-HA-pyscript: Library to integrate openHASP plates in HomeAssistant using pyscript