Openhasp configuration for button

Can anyone see any issues with my configuration of a button? All my other light.entities work fine but as soon as i try switch.entities it doesnt work.

- obj: "p3b1" # bedroom heater btn with toggle true
        "val": '{{ 1 if is_state("switch.bed_heater_shelly_7", "on") else 0 }}'
        "text": "\uE438 Bed Heater"
          - service: homeassistant.toggle
            entity_id: "switch.bed_heater_shelly_7"
{"page":3,"id":1,"obj":"btn","x":5,"y":40,"w":310,"h":50,"toggle":true,"text":"\uE438 Bed Heater","text_font":32,"align":1}

Any advice much appreciated.

Shouldn’t you use the service switch.toggle?

home assistant.toggle and switch.toggle both work in the services section of developer tools, so just kept it as homeassistant.toggle since this was used to switch the light/lamp on in the example from openhasp.