Opening Custom repositories in HACS

hi guys,
I am new to this field.

I want to integrate Smart life and Tuya.
I found this document:

Tuya Smart life integration

but when I go to HACS and click “Custom Repositories”, I have no window opening for me to enter new URL.

thanks for your assistance.

Have you tried /Settings/Devices-Service/Integrations , where you find The Native Tuya Integration, (Add-Integration )

or you want one of the Custom Integrations ?

No I am just trying this documentation (the link I attaced), where I should be able to enter url, but this window is not shown in HA when I click the Custom repositories

Well, i suggest you follow Install guides from the HA DOCS, if it Native Integrations you want to install,
and the Guides in HACS/Repos of Custom-integrations if that is what you want

Frankly TUYA has it’s own view of what and how

As you sounds new to HA, it sounds like you Actually want the “cloud” integrations

Follow below , and you’ll have all your TUYA devices up in minutes

Tuya - Home Assistant.

If you want some Custom/Local Only integration for your Tuya-Device, i suggest you wait untill you get familiar with HA, and various Integrations capabilities/limitations etc

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thanks for your reply, I will try that.
all I was trying to do, as i have some devices in Tuya, and some in Smart Life, I wanted to see if they can be linked together.