OpenMediaVault integration

Possibly. But consideting OMV does not have any native raid, but instead various raid types provided by different plugins, it would be a lot of work.
If you want to do it, feel free to submit PR.

I’ve just installed an instance of OMV6 and, since I like to monitor all kinds of things I started using this integration too.
One weird thing I noticed is that the attributes are mostly unavailable, the values being visible only for about one second every minute or so. In consequence, all my graphs are dotted. Even binary sensors are dotted.

thats due to a change in some OMV version, not sure which. already fixed in master

Do you have any plans about pushing a new release from that master? :slight_smile:

Sorry, not really following. How did you get a CPU temp sensor from OMV to HA? I get you can then put it in a glance card :slight_smile: Thanks!

I love this addon, having 2 OMV boxes running. I would definitely love to see network sensors, as well. Just incoming & outgoing speeds would be fine. It doesn’t have to discern between LAN & WAN.

yup, that is already on the list


I have 2 OMV servers running, in addition to a Rpi HA box. One of the OMV boxes shows data probably 99% of the time, but the other drops to Unavailable a good portion of the time. Doing a Reload of the device fixes it every time, but it’s a pain.

I’m trying to build an automation to Reload the device as soon as it shows Unavailable in the sensors, but not getting anywhere. The script will Reload, but only manually.

Reloading is not a solution.
Try installing master, it may be fixed already.


Hi, just started to play with OMV integration, all sensors seems to be working except one SSD temperature which is unknown.
OMV under /#/storage/smart/devices shows temperature of all SSDs
Is there anything possible to do with it?

Is there a way to shutdown or sleep/wake OMV from homeassistant?

I installed the integration and so far no problems, except one: my disks are USB harddrives and I out them to sleep when not used for a certain time. But when the integration up and running, the harddrives keep waking up every minute or so. I deactivate a whole bunch of entities in order to prevent accessing any harddrive information but they still keep waking up.

What else can I do ?

I’ve been using this integration for quite a while now, but I just noticed that the “update available” entity shows this warning:

Would it be possible to have the disk drives exposed by something else than their /dev/sdX/ mount points? The letters are assigned randomly upon OMV’s boot so it is quite hard to keep track of different disks’ parameters?
Exactly for this reason, since v5.5.20 OMV mounts its disks by UUID: New update available | openmediavault.
Thank you!


I am trying to add the openmediavault intĂ©gration, however, I can’t have any avalaible sensors :

I ddon’t have any error during the OMV integration setup :

Do you have any idea ?


It seems that S.M.A.R.T does not work since last update of OMV system to 6.9.8-1 (Shaitan)

I have similar issue, all sensors seem to be unavailable and i cant find where the debug logs are located after i turned them on to troubleshoot.
Here and there it seems that they connect for a second and be gone again for long time
Any tipps r highly welcome.

@Darkyputz The only way to have S.M.A.R.T back (at least for me) is downgrade OMV software

Thx for the answer

But smart is my least issue
i dont have anything
i would like to help fix it but not quiete sure where to start