OpenStreetMap Component Update/Improvement

The current map component and associated lovelace card work well, but could do with some “beautification”. The map on the OpenStreetMap site has better appearance and detail.
Would it be possible to improve the current component to reflect this?

With google changing it’s free tier approach, it would be good to improve this alternative.

We are using CARTO because they allow us to download map tiles on a large scale aka for all available Home Assistant instances without charge.

Switching to a different map overlay would require to find a provider which offers the same as CARTO does.

Thank you for the information. Understand the limitation now.

Piggybacking on this topic because I’ve got the same issue. My street does not even appear on the map. Is there an official way of notifying CARTO that their map for my region is out of date?

I have a similar issue – a good chunk of the maps around me are about a year or so out-of-date. It’d be nice if there was some way to force a cache refresh, although based on the information here it sounds like that would be unfeasible.

How often do the tiles get updated? Do we know?

FYI this is the reply I received from CARTO when I emailed them to ask about the OSM update frequency (I mentioned that I had made a lot of changes to OSM in my area):

“Actually we are in the middle of reviewing/revamping the system that updates our basemap data, so at this point your updates would not show up yet. We will have a set frequency for OSM>CARTO updates, but are still engineering how often it will happen.”

Is this limitation still true?
Would really charge for HA frontend clients (browsers and companion apps) to download tiles on demand (only when a person is looking at maps)? Or would they think the HA backend would need persistent and recurring API calls to keep the maps up to date?

Might be worth another look in 2022.

Don’t think that OSM would have a way to charge users. They probably simply would block access for Home Assistant users as most free services have a fair use policy.