Opentherm Diyless module, use another temperature sensor

Not sure if this is the right section, but here is my question:
Tinkering with the ESP8266 Thermostat Shield and followed the guide provided there to program the ESP32 and setup HA for this module.
Now everything is working but i’m looking how to add an external temperature sensor instead of the internal one on that is on the hat.

I found this thread: DIY OpenTherm Thermostat?
Where it does mention you can setup an external sensor but either i’m overlooking it or its not in there on how to do that?

Fyi: not picked out the sensor yet. Could be zigbee or wifi

Node-red to the rescue. It allowed me to use a zigbee sensor (Via deconz) to send its value to a MQTT message.
I just needed to edit the config so not read the ESP32 but the path i gave in node-red.

I also learned i have alot more reading/watching todo :smiley:

Like for example that i’m prob better of using zigbee2mqtt for all other future stuff

helllo dear sirm did you ever found out how

could you plz tell the steps to take to use node red