Opentherm Gateway

Hi, I always used the OTGW plugin in Vera. This communicates directly with the gateways. HASS sees this as a thermostat. This always worked but sometime in the past it stopped working correctly (please see this post)

Anyone else using OTGW this way?

It would be nice that HA can connect directly to the OTGW without the otmonitor software running.
For now I got this working with the otmonitor software running and configured MQTT. In HA i used the setting that MartenJacobs used.

Maybe someone can script this in Python as an addon for HA.

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How do i start the otmonitor on my raspberry? I got my otgw working with a esp.

Hi Jodur,
Can you please share the code for the TCP variant?

You can find it on my github:, This is a fork of the original github from the tcp branch (
I made a pull-request to the original author, but i never got a reply.


Thanks Jodur!

I changed the setup. Removed the NodeMCU from the OTGW, and attached it (with serial USB cable) to a Pi Zero. On the Pi Zero i installed the py-otgw-mqqt script and let is publish (over wifi) to the HA builtin MQTT broker.

Guys, Iā€™ve found this thread as most suitable.Iā€™d like to connect my system to the heater, the controller (donā€™t know if boiler too ;-)) supports opentherm.
Whatā€™s the cheapest suitable way for now to connect it via MQTT? It doesnā€™t have to be LAN, can be ESP too.

Iā€™d be grateful. Iā€™ve found board on NODO shop but wondering if there are cheaper ways (shipping is almost the cost of board).

Hello! OpenTherm Gateway integration works great for me, thanks to developers! But I wish to have more options. May be I miss something and it is possible to change domestic hot water set point, switch on and off central heating? And maybe change set point of room temperature?

Also using the integration without problems.
You can add entities with AA=MsgID if they are returned from boiler.
Look at

Domestic hot water only editable if set manually in boiler.
Look in tabels boiler and thermostat what is possible with your devices

Thank you. Yes I found that I was not able to change hot water set point, because it was off.

service: opentherm_gw.set_hot_water_ovrd
gateway_id: thermostat
dhw_override: ā€˜1ā€™

Just tried again. I can change domestic hot water temperature with Otmonitor sending command like SW=60. But could not found corresponding service like opentherm_gw.set_control_setpoint for hot water in HA.
Could you please point me out what service i should use to set domestic hot water?

The developer of this script didnā€™t create this service I believe.
Create a pr if you want this

It is not my level yet :grinning:! But I looked at the code. HA use python library pyotgw for this integration an library contain all method I wish to be implemented:

pyotgw.set_target_temp(self, temp, temporary=True, timeout=OTGW_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
pyotgw.set_dhw_setpoint(self, temperature, timeout=OTGW_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
pyotgw.set_ch_enable_bit(self, ch_bit, timeout=OTGW_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)

So may be one dayā€¦:grinning:

If I use the new integration method for opentherm no climate device is created. Has anyone else seen this before?

Other opentherm devices and sensors are normally created and have actual values.

I have used this integration in the past with succes but after that I deleted it and added again the climate device doesnā€™t appear. Iā€™am using version 102.2 and use the openthem gateway via lan(socket)

Hi @DJTerentjev do you know any other way to call these methods without their implementation in HA? Iā€™m particularly interested in switching off central heating. However, it looks like currently itā€™s achievable only with passing control back to thermostat. That is not acceptable on the long run.

Have no Ideas, please post here if you found the way.

As a temporary solution to switch off all heating I put 14 on my thermostat downstairs and set override to 0. So that my room thermostat takes over control and apparently I donā€™t have 14 at my home so it switches off all the heating. This works pretty well for a while except for cases when the temperature really goes down. Like those days when youā€™re on vacation.