I’ve encountered an odd issue, and I’m not sure where to start in finding out it’s cause.
Home assistant is running in a docker container, on a raspberry, on my network, and seems quite happy there. The same raspberry also runs docker containers for openVPN (also quite functional) and PiHole (inactive right now).
When I’m on my network, everything works as intended.
When I’m not on my network, but connect through the VPN, I can get the Home Assistant page to load, can ssh into the raspberry, and everything seems to work as it should. There are some very notable exceptions, though:
- the map shows my location (and my partners, and the car), but no map. It’s just blank. I can zoom (moving the icons further apart and closer together), but no map appears.
- iFrames don’t work, at all. When messing with them, I sometimes get the home assistant page in the iFrame, for whatever reason, but usually it displays an error page (as in; page can’t be loaded).
I’ve established it’s due to the VPN, because the frames work when I close the VPN connection. Just to be clear: I don’t close the Home assistant page, which then reports that it’s lost its connections, but the map and the iFrames do appear.
Does anyone have an idea on what my next step is?