Openweather Forecast feels_like temperature not available

Good day Cognoscenti!
I am trying to have a series of template sensors that extract the feels_like temperature from the Openweather API for each hour going forwards.
I have the Home Assistant integration of OpenWeatherMap configured for “onecall_hourly”.

When I use the following code in Developer Tools/Template:
{{ state_attr('weather.openweathermap', 'forecast') }}

I get this array of attributes starting with:

    "condition": "sunny",
    "precipitation_probability": 0,
    "datetime": "2022-08-21T19:00:00+00:00",
    "wind_bearing": 246,
    "temperature": 18.2,
    "wind_speed": 9.9,
    "precipitation": 0
    "condition": "clear-night",
    "precipitation_probability": 0,
    "datetime": "2022-08-21T20:00:00+00:00",
    "wind_bearing": 243,
    "temperature": 18.3,
    "wind_speed": 7.34,
    "precipitation": 0

This array continues for 48 hours in hourly intervals.

I can extract each hour of the required data using something like the following template sensor. This example extracts the temperature at 15.00 hours:


      friendly_name: "Temp at 15.00"

      value_template: >

        {% set sensor_trigger = states('sensor.time') %}

        {% set current_hr = now().strftime("%H")|int %}

        {% set sensor_hr = 15 %}

        {% set array_no = sensor_hr - current_hr if current_hr <= sensor_hr else 24-current_hr + sensor_hr %}

        {{ state_attr('weather.openweathermap', 'forecast') [array_no] ['temperature'] }}

My question is: As there is no attribute shown for what Openweather calls “feels_like” does this mean Home Assistant does make this available? Is this attribute available in a different state?

Thank you for your help.