Openweathermap missing rain value?

For some time now I have not been able to pull the value for rain since switching from wunderground to openweathermap.


- platform: openweathermap
  api_key: !secret openweathermap_key
    - clouds
    - temperature
    - wind_speed
    - wind_bearing
    - rain

Error - 2019-06-12 18:32:27 WARNING (SyncWorker_16) [homeassistant.components.openweathermap.sensor] Condition is currently not available: rain

yet when I actually pull the data manually I can get the data "rain":{"1h":0.83}

Looking at the code it looks like the component is requesting the data.

Anything I can do to get rain data working correctly?

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In my case, I switched the long/lat values…
If there is no rain at the “other” place, no rain value would be send… :shushing_face: