Openweathermap sensor language

Hi all,

During this easter holidays I’m trying to setup a home assistant configuration with an high wife acceptance weather so I’m localizing everyout output of my sensors.

Thanks to others post I finally obtained good results but now I’m stuck configuring Openweathermap sensor.

I want to use this (beside the darksky sensor) to obtain weather data for my work zone (that is far away from my home location).
I’ve read that the api are able to set a language field ( but I can’t be able to set it up.

Can someone please help me?

Thank you in advance

You could try to change Line 65 and use the openweather sensor as custom_component.

    owm = OWM(API_key=config.get(CONF_API_KEY), language='de')

But it looks like that the forecast details are still in English.

Thank you for your support.

I tried with the custom code that you suggested me. Nothing changed. (changed also from ‘language’ to ‘lang’ without any results).

Maybe data are not fully avaible! Thank you anyway!

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