OpenZwave 0.5.3 upgrade fails

I’m trying to upgrade the OZW addon to 0.5.3 from 0.5.2 and run into the following issue. Currently on HA 114.4 on a RPi 4.

20-09-15 02:01:16 INFO (SyncWorker_0) [supervisor.docker.interface] Pull image homeassistant/armv7-addon-zwave tag 0.5.3.
20-09-15 02:01:21 ERROR (SyncWorker_0) [supervisor.docker.interface] Can’t install homeassistant/armv7-addon-zwave:0.5.3 -> 404 Client Error: Not Found (“manifest for homeassistant/armv7-addon-zwave:0.5.3 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown”).
20-09-15 02:01:21 INFO (SyncWorker_0) [supervisor.docker.interface] This error is often caused by not having enough disk space available. Available space in /data is: 48.9 GiB

I know that my SD card has plenty of space for the upgrade so not sure why it is throwing this error.

Any help would be appreciated.

It means the docker image for your platform hasn’t been built yet for some reason. You might need to wait longer, or there was a problem creating the image. 0.5.2 is the latest for armv7 at this exact time.

Strange that Supervisor shows an update available for it.

Thanks for the explanation. The 404 error is a giveaway that it is not there yet.

This issue is blocking me from even installing OpenZWave on a new install…

Any ideas how i can get around this so I can at least install 0.5.2 in the short term?

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Same boat, rpi3. Is there a way to install old version (or more likely, about how long should the right firmware take)?

I’m also having issues - update just won’t work. Can’t find appropriate section in the logs. Raspberry Pi 3b+, latest Home Assistant build, currently on OZW 0.5.2

The docker builds for 0.5.3 for some architectures have failed.

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Looks like a 0.5.4 update has been pushed through to resolve this. My update is running now