OpenZwave addon: ZME_WCD2

It seems like openzwave is not sending anything related to this device further to mqtt (the OpenZwave topic). I do see response in the VNC Openzwave management interface.

Included (insecure because secure wasn’t working) the following device successfully. A "ZME_WCD2 Double Paddle Wall Controller:

It shows button pressed on the OZW control panel via VNC. But no output is seen in home assistant and/or in MQTT (Using MQTT explorer I see nothing happen on any button presses but I do see on the VNC viewer…)

I really hope I am missing something very simple because this is the first of many I am wanting to migrate from Vera.

I have also tried other “Action on Group x” settings (and yes I know how to wake the device etc.)
I can see direct action in the “Event List” upon button presses. But nothing in home assistant… (also not in Node Red via the events:all node and also not in mqtt explorer…

help :confounded:

This must have to do with it:

And this is the manual:

Basic Set is not supported in the new integration. Try changing the “Action on Group” settings to Send Scenes or Send Preconfigured Scenes. You will probably need to add Node 1 (controller) as an association for groups 2-4. If the scenes are being sent, you can detect them with the ozw.scene_activated Event.

Thank you for your response, I will try tomorrow!

Think I tried all flavours on all 4 “Action on group” settings. How can I add node 1 as an association group?

Group 1 is already associated by default. If you set the Group 1 setting to one of the Scene values, do you have any different behavior? In HA you can go to Dev Tools -> Events and listen to even ozw.scene_activated.

For the other groups you’ll have to use an MQTT command for now. MQTT Explorer is a good program to use.

Publish a message with topic OpenZWave/1/command/addassociation/. The message payload would be something like this to assign Group 2.

  "node": <node number>,
  "group": 2,
  "target": "1.0"

Replace with the integer value of your node.

Will try. But is it correct I currently see NOTHING on any button press in mqtt explorer?

If it’s a basic set value, you won’t see anything.

Hi, OK I think I am lost…

have tried (a lot) but nothing gives me any outputs in the ozw.scene_activated for this device. I have node-red open listen and debugging everything on this and for this device it is silent (for another scene controller it works). I do only see “things happen” in the VNC window. Nothing coming in MQTT (and thus home assistant).

I have added that association, but not sure what this does on the openzwave part since nothing is coming in on mqtt from this device at all (!).

some screenshots:

These setting give me output above (see in screenshot)

the settings no output at all (nothing in zwave)

Adding this for node 6: OpenZwave addon: ZME_WCD2

Added for node 6 but nothing happens…

Hi, another update. After restarting (hass) mqtt was empty. I added again:

But I do not get the wall-c to send “any” command to hass. I do see however something in ozwadmin. But nothing goes to MQTT or hass…

Hi, did you ever get it to work @sender. I’m facing the same problem as you.

Nope, disposed the thing