New to groups, but would this allow me to turn off multiple zwave lights with one command (while still being able to turn off lights individually) ?
No, associations are for controlling a node without the need for interaction from the controller.
Specifically you’re looking for the light groups.
You’d probably want to use scenes for that. Group associations are used for remotes and sensors mostly I believe.
Thx for your replies !
I am trying this but having no luck. I know ZERO about MQTT. All I know is I have OZW beta and its working. I went into my integrations and selected MQTT and then published the following with group 3 and group 4, but node 8 does not control 9. (these are the same settings I use in the old Z wave 1.4 and the association worked.
But I also have a MQTT in my Supervisor section. I dont know if I need these both, but I dont wanna mess anything up.
It sure looks like your payload is using smart quotes. Use plain quotes ""
What association groups does OZW say the device has? It would be under the association topic, e.g. OpenZWave/1/node/27/association
Plain quotes? Can you show me what those look like? I copied the payload from another post, just changed node #.
Press and hold your Shift
key and press the button labeled '
and you get "
What device is this (make/model)?
@firstof9 if you look at a earlier post you will see I wrote the model number and attached some pictures from the manual and a link to the device
The manual doesn’t say you have to associate the end points.
@firstof9 i thought you were trolling me at first but i deleted the quotes that were put in there from the copy and paste and did them from keyboard and they did change. Weird!
no worries.
It happens when someone copies from like wordpad or a google doc text file.
Ok so how do I erase associations now? I did one the wrong way and told the slave it would control the master
, but you still do not need to do any associations according to the manual.
@firstof9 what manual? Think your confusing me with the other guy. I’m associating switches so that one switch can control another one.
Can you go into more detail with the removeassociation command? Am I doing that through MQTT still? Im assuming I need to specify the node somewhere in there
Yes same syntax as adding the association, just a different command.
I read this as i should set the associations, and that was also the case in my former Vera Plus controller
- Association groups.
ZIF5020 consists of 15 virtual devices (Endpoints); Base device (root device or endpoint (0), and
14 sub-devices (14 endpoints).
The root device is used by the controllers that do not support Multichannel communication, which
will provide a very limited use of this module.
The 14 virtual devices consist of 10 devices for controlling the outputs of the module and 4 devices
for reporting the module inputs.
Below is an overview of the different association groups for each of the virtual devices.
In the group numbers, the first number indicates the number on each virtual device and the second
number indicates the group number on the root device (endpoint 0).