OpenZwave status updates with Aeotec Smart Switch 6

I’m chasing a problem that I’m having with OpenZwave not recognizing when my Aeotec Smart Switch 6 modules change states, and I’m wondering if anyone has any suggestions.

First, some details:
Z-stick: Zooz ZST10
OS: HassOS 4.15 on an Intel NUC7
Supervisor version 249
Homeassistant version 0.116.4
OpenZwave 0.5.2

I’ve got a small Zwave network with a Honeywell Lyric T6 Pro, 5 Aeotec Smart Switch 6 modules, and 2 Fibaro Smart Implants. All of the devices are added (without security), the network healed, and I can control the binary switches via the OpenZWave (beta) integration no problem. The problem is that if I manually turn on/off the Aeotec switches the status never updates in Homeassistant.

If I connect to ozw-admin via VNC and watch the event log, I can see the messages as they are sent and received when I control the binary switch status via Homeassistant. However, when I press the action button on the Smart Switch itself, there is never a message logged that a status update has been received. Because of this, the device in HA never updates to show the changed on/off state. Similarly, of I connect to the MQTT broker and subscribe to OpenZWave/1/node/2/instance/1/commandclass/37/value/XXXXXX I can watch the binary_switch ON/OFF messages as they are sent and received. There is also never any message received by the MQTT broker when I manually press the Smart Switch’s action button.

Strangely though, if I connect the USB z-stick to my Windows 10 laptop, open up the SiLabs PC Controller softare, connect to the UZW device on COM4 and watch the log, I can see that the Smart Switch 6 DOES in fact send the update message when the button is pressed.

So basically, it looks like the switch IS sending updates to the controller when the button is pressed, but for some reason the OpenZWave addon is either not receiving it, or is ignoring it.

Has anyone else seen something like this before? Does anyone have any tips on where to look next? Is there any more information or logging that I can provide to help narrow it down?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.


Same thing happens to me, the HA interface mostly shows the incorrect status, especially when using automations for the switches. When I check the User settings in the OZW Admin tool the switch status is actually correctly displayed, just seems HA isn’t picking that up.