Operation mode inconsistency - Water Heater vs HVAC

The Water heater operation modes are eco, on, off but the Climate hvac modes are auto, heat, off ?

It would be more consistent/logical if the water-heater modes were also named auto, heat, off (or vice versa)

Auto and eco are completely different modes. Eco is a reduced power mode, auto applies heating or cooling as needed. You can’t change them to the same name.

Thanks for your reply.
OK, I accept that.
So in fact my issue really is that the use of the term ‘Eco’ for my water heating is incorrect. The integration I am using - Hive - only has modes ‘Eco’, ‘on’ and ‘off’ and shows as ‘Eco’ when it’s in ‘auto’ mode. It does not have a reduced power mode but actually applies heating as needed i.e. auto. So I guess I should take this up with the Hive integration?

Sounds like it, yes.