found below rest sensor definition, (which goes on to uur 47…)
- resource_template: >
endTimestamp={{(now()+ timedelta(days=2)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}}
scan_interval: 900
- name: Energieprijs uur 0
value_template: >
{{value_json[0]['TariffUsage']|float(0) + states('sensor.prijsopslag_energie')|float(0)}}
json_attributes_path: "$[0]"
json_attributes: &attributes
- SupplierID
- TariffReturn
- TariffUsage
- Timestamp
- name: Energieprijs uur 1
value_template: >
{{value_json[1]['TariffUsage']|float(0) + states('sensor.prijsopslag_energie')|float(0)}}
json_attributes_path: "$[1]"
json_attributes: *attributes
- name: Energieprijs uur 2
value_template: >
{{value_json[2]['TariffUsage']|float(0) + states('sensor.prijsopslag_energie')|float(0)}}
json_attributes_path: "$[2]"
json_attributes: *attributes
- name: Energieprijs uur 3
value_template: >
{{value_json[3]['TariffUsage']|float(0) + states('sensor.prijsopslag_energie')|float(0)}}
json_attributes_path: "$[3]"
json_attributes: *attributes
I loaded the first time, and all sensors got populated, but now it shows all unvailables. the
is ok, so that wont be it.
Also, if I enter
endTimestamp={{(now()+ timedelta(days=2)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}}
directly in the browser, it finally shows up with the long list of values.
Please have a look where this rest sensor needs to be fixed/optimized? Can we somehow prevent these timeouts, (if its not the syntax causing it, which would seem odd, as its first rendered by the Jinja interpreter in HA)
they finally showed up, but, after a restart, are all ‘unknown’ again…
Source: components/rest/
Integration: RESTful (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 22:36:05 (48 occurrences)
Last logged: 22:36:05
JSON result was not a dictionary or list with 0th element a dictionary
I was also hoping I could set the + states('sensor.prijsopslag_energie')|float(0)}}
as a variable in the main config, so I could shorten that in the individual sensors.
apparently we can not use multiline in the resource_template, but need:
- resource_template: >{{now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}}&endTimestamp={{(now()+ timedelta(days=2)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}}
here they are