Option to auto-remove integrations set up when trying delete HACS custom component

I just moved from a deCONZ in docker to a new coordinator and ZHA.

One major problem: I use the really nice PowerCalc custom component, and when I initialized ZHA, it tried to set up duplicates of almost 50 ZigBee “things”.

They are already there in the already set-up PowerCalc integrations, some functional, some not. I thought the easiest way to ix would just be to completely remove PowerCalc, and re-enable. But trying to do so from HACS gives the warning:

leaving me to manually delete each of the 50+ entries (as each device is its own integration; I don’t see a way to remove all in one go) before even being able to remove the custom component.

So why not have and option to have HA automatically do this?

HA can obviously detect that the integration is used, so it must be able to remove said integration? And if I want to delete the custom component, that would (as HA so adamantly tells me) have to happen regardless.