Option to disable the "The enabled entities will be added to Home Assistant in 30 seconds" dialog


NOTE: Edited to limit discussion to specific request.


Add an option to the popup dialog that appears when an disabled entity is enabled to include a checkbox to disable future appearance of that dialog. Something like:

:ballot_box_with_check: Do not show this message again.


After the first time seeing this dialog, it has basically only served to interrupt my workflow, as each time an entity is enabled, you must interact with and dismiss the dialog before you can interact with the ui again. It can get quite frustrating, esp when there are many entities that need to be enabled.

Including an option on the dialog would ensure all users still see the information at least once while also giving users control over whether they have to continue to receive that information when enabling entities in the future. This would work within existing app/ui behavior and not require any change by the end users, which still making the new feature/setting known to users by pairing it directly with the popup dialog.

Please only propose one request per topic. It makes it impossible to close if only one request is implemented when you propose multiple request in the one topic.

The option could be called:

☑ Do not show this message again.