Option to hide shopping list option from sidebar

I want to use the shopping list integration but I don’t want the side nav option for it. I included the shopping list card in my dashboard where I want it to show up, there’s no reason to also have a shopping list option that launches an entire page for it. Please provide a setting that lets me hide this navigation option while still using the integration.

Just click and hold on the icon to the left of ‘Home Assistant’ until the icons wiggle. You can then setup the side bar to your liking.


Press the X to the right of whichever you don’t want displayed and it will drop down the bottom. Hit done and they will be hidden.


What he said ^^, and if that doesn’t work like it hasn’t for me, maybe because I’m in the Android app. Try this:

Select side menu -> users name -> scroll down to “change the order and hide items in the sidebar” -> edit -> scroll to “shopping list” -> X -> done


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Huh, didn’t know about that, that’s neat. Looks like it only hides it for me so each user would have to do that. Still, close enough, I’ll call it resolved.

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Yep, you will need to do it for each browser / user