Optional setting for "Are you really sure?"-queries

Hi :slight_smile:

It would be really nice to have the ability for additional (yes, i know, sometimes they also can be annoying) safety queries.
Imagine, you run a switchable mains plug (normally via automation) and maybe it´s not always a good idea just to switch it on or off manually… Anyway you want to have the switch on your dashboard and so it´s possible, to switch it accidentally.
For these cases it would be great to have some kind of option to get a popup, a redirection to a warning page or whatelse with the need to confirm that action. (Like "Are you really sure, to do that?)
I think, i can do this also with helper entities and an automation, it just would be very handy, just to activate a checkmark and it´s done :slight_smile:

There are custom cards with this function. For example

PS: Don’t forget to vote for your own FR :slight_smile:

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Ouch… :joy: At 1st look, all these options and possibilities with that custom stuff are a bit overwhelming. Especially for a beginner (like me… :see_no_evil:) it´ll need a lot of studies to get that up and running :innocent:

This is already provided by adding a confirmation clause to the action

This link takes you straght to the docs:

Someone will come along and close the thread shortly.

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Indeed… Thanks for showing me :slight_smile: Unfortunately it´s well hidden somewhere in the docs. I have to apologize: I falsly expected Home Assistant to be a little bit “beginner friendly” (i didn´t know, it needs to be some kind of a software developer to use it) and i just had a stupid idea for UI improvement :pensive:
Sorry for that, thread indeed can be closed.